So Much

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[a/n: Just a lot of fluff for this chapter!]

Nagito's P.O.V

No. I know why I asked for the project name. The fact that all my bad luck has been so easily resolved so quickly, it has started to get on my nerves, even though I appreciate it. And, something in me started to suspect the idea of it being something to do with Hinata-kun. The first place to start was this test that he went through. It *was* to make him a perfect person made of talent, right? Even though he's already perfect.. But anyways, if they were going to make him the embodiment of talent, perhaps they messed up during the test and left some talent in him, that they were going to give to the compatible volunteer. It was a reach, but it was something not wrong to suspect, right? At least I hoped as much. While the brunette and I would continue to wait for our bus, I pulled my phone from my pocket, opening it and going over to Google. In the search bar, I looked up 'Kamukura Project', to see if there were any articles about this at all. Or at least anything that was leaked. And lucky me, I found something. The first result was indeed an article. I clicked on said article, being met with a plentiful of information. 

The Kamukura Project

This project took off during October in 20## , where they would begin to take in multiple volunteers for a test before the final project. Although, one of these volunteers was different from others, as they were the youngest out of the bunch, and something went down the wrong path for this volunteer. Said volunteer, who is to remain anonymous, had a horrendous amount of their memory wiped off. Along with this, the team of individuals who placed the test on the poor individual had accidentally given them numerous talents that were supposed to go to the chosen individual. These talents included: ___, ___, luck, ___, ___, and ___. 

From there, I stopped reading. I couldn't even focus on whatever Hinata's other accidental talents were, all I could focus on was the word 'luck'. If this article wasn't fake, and the volunteer they were mentioning was Hajime, this meant he had luck as a talent. If this was so, then it all made sense... My luck was balanced when around Hajime. Yes, the more I would think about it, the more that would piece together. When I'm not around him, my luck cycle will go as it wishes, but when I am around him, every bit of bad luck would fix itself almost immediately, as if it were nothing. That was the balance our lucks had. I'm actually, quite relieved to know this now; although this may not be Hinata that this article was talking about, I'd still like to think that it was, so I could actually have a believable reasoning to the strange turning of luck. With a sigh, I closed the tab and put my phone away, turning back to Hinata.

I still am quite surprised that he actually accepted the confession. And it seemed so realistic too, like he wasn't just saying 'yes' out of pity. And I wouldn't think he would do this out of pity either, I at least know him well enough to realize that he isn't the sort of person to lie easily, especially when it came to people he cared about or was close to. And I'm also, still just a bit disappointed with the fact that he hadn't seen it at the planned time, it felt as though it made this a little less special. And a love confession right inside a car crash? That sounds absolutely insane and out of place. Way less, let's say, romantic than I wanted it to be. Nonetheless, though, I'm still incredibly happy for the outcome. 

"Nagito? Are you spacing out?" I heard Hinata question, along with a tap on my shoulder, which was also the breaking of my thoughts. I chuckled softly and nodded, "I suppose I was," I looked back towards the roadway, noticing an upcoming bus. I also realized that the broken one had finally been towed off, after what felt like forever. I hummed a little, "I guess that's our bus?" while looking over to the brunette beside me. He quickly nodded, "I sure hope so." And indeed, the bus was for us, and of course the rest of the crowd who were previously on the crashed bus. It parked up against the curb, and to which all of us would step on. As Hinata and I had on the last bus, we sat near the back; we just liked it back there, for whatever reason. It reminded us of being little and hurrying to the back before anyone else during a field trip together. 

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