Help Me Remember

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Third person P.O.V

School the next day, for the both of them, was just.. Lifeless. But, that's really all that school is, even if it's taking place at such an amazing environment like Hope's Peak. Hajime couldn't get what he needed to say off of his mind, and once it came to be lunch time, he ignored Nanami's offer to eat with her entirely. Not that he didn't like her or anything, he just felt as though he had much better things to do. As for Nagito, he was too focused on what Hinata said the day before, so really they were both more focused on each other. Once lunch was reached, Hinata immediately went to search around for Komaeda. Luckily for him, the albino was doing the exact same thing. Of course, they ended up bumping into each other sooner or later. 

Hajime sighed in relief, "Finally found you. May we go somewhere to talk?" As the brunette asked the questioned, the white haired boy's little bit of hope left had sparked. Had Hinata remembered, finally? He sure hoped so, otherwise there wouldn't be all that much of a point of Hajime coming up to him like this, willingly. Komaeda was looking for him only in hopes of getting an update, or something like that, but he wasn't even quite sure he'd get one in the first place. But here Hinata was, apparently on the look for Nagito. The pale boy was incredibly lucky lately, he could only dread for the nearby despair just waiting to pounce on him.. But he tried not to think about that, and just cherish the moment he had. 

Komaeda finally responded, nodding, "Of course. Maybe the fountain from yesterday?" He suggested, referring to the same fountain they spoke at the day before. Hinata sighed, crossing his arms, "I don't think so, Nanami may be over there, and she's already a bit upset because I didn't eat lunch with her. Do you know any other places?" He questioned. The albino thought for a moment, before replying, "Sure, there's a classroom that's never used. An abandoned one, if you will," he shrugged his shoulders. The brunette nodded in agreement, and so they headed to the classroom that Nagito had mentioned. It was indeed empty, it looked as though it hadn't been dusted in years, and it smelt horrid. Komaeda only knew this room because of yesterday, after his talk with Hinata. He skipped a class and went walking around the hallways, eventually finding this classroom. And it had looked this way ever since he stepped in, he assumed no one cared or checked up on the room at all. The cloudette wasn't sure of what to do with the smell though, he'd probably have to get some air freshener and use it whenever he came into the room. 

"I apologize for the putrid stench, I'm still trying to figure exactly what to do about it. I'll probably get some air freshener after school and bring it over tomorrow," Komaeda hummed. Other than the low-quality room and gross scent the room had, there were still a few desks and a stand in front of the desks, like a normal classroom would have, but they were all rusted and dusty like the rest of the classroom. Most of the desk legs were broken and unstable, if one were to sit on one of the desk they would most likely fall over and break a bone or two. Same with any of the chairs that were in the room. But luckily, there were still a few decent ones, and Nagito was quick to point them out to Hajime before either of them sat anywhere. 

Once they were seated at somewhat-decent seats near each other, Komaeda spoke. "So, what did you want to talk to me about? If there is something you'd like to talk to little old me about, that is," he hummed, lighting tapping his feet against the floor. Hajime sighed, "Yeah, there is something I need to speak with you about. It's about yesterday," he began, then bringing up a question for the other male. "Please, I need you to tell me things that you know about me, like personal life kind of things. Don't ask, just tell me." 

The pale albino tilted his head at the slightest, but he soon nodded and began telling Hinata what he remembered about him. "Well, I remember that you would always tell me about your father and divorced parents. And you had an undying love for orange juice. You also really liked making bagels, you'd give them to me alot, mostly as presents for my birthday. You always had a stuffed kitten, while I had a dog. When you left, we traded them!" As Komaeda mentioned the last thing, Hajime instantly thought back to the plushie he had, and found familiar in terms of scent. And now that he basically had all the dots connected, it made so much sense. The plushie had been Komaeda's, but they trade their plushies. The brunette didn't quite remember that, but it sounded familiar. He guessed that it was, once again, the test's fault for his poor memory.

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