, Nagito

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[a/n: Remember when I said last chapter was fluff? Yeah, that was just a treat for all the angst coming. Just some fluff in the beginning, but still.]

Third Person P.O.V

Komaeda's dates with Hinata had become more common than they already were. They went out more than once a week now, and just about every day. Each time was more amazing than the last, and if it was even possible, the pair would grow even more close each and every time. They went on more double dates with Miu, Kirumi and Shuichi a couple of times as well, and all three of them were really happy for the two, especially Iruma. In fact, the strawberry blonde girl would never stop taking pictures of them, or commenting on their romantic moments, most usually saying, "My ship is finally canon!" The other two were calmer and didn't seem a need in overexposing their relationship, although they couldn't blame their girlfriend for being excited. She had wanted it to happen for a while now, she had a right to be as happy as she was. 

Nagito and the brunette had nights where they would actually be comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed for an entire night, as well. To which, they would always turn on the nightlight Hajime bought them. It was nice each time, and they found that they quite liked cuddling while looking up at it, along with bringing out those plushies they traded when they were younger and cuddle those as well. To add onto that, they would sometimes watch childhood shows during those times, as that was comforting as well. They weren't entirely sure as to why they just loved feeling like children, they just did; although, the best guess was probably because it reminded them of times of where their lives hadn't rolled downhill yet. And they were with each other, which would only make all that hundreds of times better. 

Today was another day of where, Komaeda and Hinata would go on a double date with the other three. Well, it was going to be that way, but Saihara had a shift so he couldn't attend today, although he promised to pick up on the next one. So, it would be just Miu and Kirumi going from the three. While we would miss the blue haired male, it would at least be nice with the other two. Although, while just seeing those two, it was basically a real 'opposites attract' dynamic playing in front of the couple. But it worked for them nicely, in all honesty. Their date on that day was going to a Chick-Fil-A for food today, which was quite a treat, as it was expensive there. Nagito didn't like chicken that much, though, so he just got the fries, which were incredibly delicious to him. And the rest of them just got regular orders, although Hinata tried to feed his boyfriend a bit of his food, as he felt like just fries weren't enough for a meal. They ate at the Chick-Fil-A, as it wasn't very crowded, which was very surprising to the four of them. It was a Saturday, after all, a day before the day in which Chick-Fil-A would be closed. But, Komaeda could only label it as good luck and move on. 

After eating, Hinata and Komaeda sat in the back of Kirumi's vehicle, holding hands and the cloudette resting his head on the brunette's shoulder. While driving, the cloudette would ask an odd question. "Hey, Hinata- I mean, Hajime, how would you feel if I got my hair dyed?" The brunette's eyes narrowed, then answering, "It depends on the color, although you can do whatever you would like with your hair either way; why are you asking?" He questioned, honestly just wanting to know why Nagito wanted to die his hair. Did he not like the white? Well, it probably constantly reminded him of the fact that he was incredibly ill. Maybe that was why he wanted a new color for it. "Ah, I just wanted to maybe try and die it to how it looked when I was healthier. The light brown. I just thought that would look nice," the albino smiled. The olive eyed male honestly really liked the idea. He didn't hate the white, or at least, he was just used to it at this point, after seeing him with it for a few months. But, if Nagito wanted to dye his hair to get it as close enough as he could to his original hair color, then that was absolutely fine. He smiled, "That sounds great, if that's what you'd like to do, I say go for it. As long as you're careful with the dye, of course; actually, you should probably go to a professional hair dyer, so it can be done carefully and professionally." He added on the last bit, as with how sensitive Komaeda's scalp may be, if he tried to do the hair dye on his own, even when listening or watching some tutorial, he may hurt himself. And he certainly did not want that, ever.

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