Once Again

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Third Person P.O.V

"Heyy, Hinata! How's the job searching going!" 

Hinata was just sitting in a cafe, eating and having an overall break. The person who had called for him was Nutaku, a friend he had made during his years around there. He was able to get along with her, as she reminded him of someone.. Although he wasn't sure who, as his memory got foggy after a while, for some reason. His father knew why his memory got unclear, though, and it was some kind of rub off from the test he took ten or eleven years ago. When the brunette didn't live on one lifestyle, his memory of the past lifestyle(s) didn't come as clear to him. But anyways, about Nutaku; she was like, the perverted type of person. She would constantly make dirty jokes, yet she was still a quite well person. Those characteristics sounded and were very familiar to Hinata, yet he just could not pin it down. Damn his poor memory. He sighed, answering, "Not the best, I guess. I've already been to two different job interviews and both of them were turned down." Nutaku sat next to me, seeming to feel bad for me. "Damn, tough luck. Well, if you really need the money, I suppose I wouldn't mind you trading a little something for my little something," she grinned, winking. The brunette rolled his eyes, "Thanks for the offer, but no." 

This may sound and be odd, but Hinata felt like he already loved someone, so he wouldn't even go form a hookup even once. Although he didn't even know who he loved, but he just *knew*, there had to be something. Well, someone in this case. He would only keep this to himself, though, as he knew he may sound crazy if he were to say it in front of anyone, even Nutaku. "Well, your loss then," she grumbled, almost sounding disappointed in the fact that she'd been turned down by the other. "Buuut, you should probably get back to searching. It's almost 4:20 already, and there's no way we're missing out a joint," she added on, her smirk brought back. Hajime's eyes narrowed, "Um.. I don't think I should be high during a job interview. You can go ahead, but I'd rather not." Well, he liked pot as much as the next guy but, if the interviewers were able to tell that he was high, there was a chance in which he wouldn't be getting a job. And he really needed one, as his father had practically shoved him out of the house only a day after high school graduation, without any sort of financial help. 

"What? Aww, come onn.. You're just too much of a good boy," Nutaku whimpered, once again seeming to be disappointed. "Whatever, I promise I'll smoke with you tomorrow." The tan male stood up, heading out of the cafe to spend the rest of his free time walking, and after that he would be going to his next job interview. 

He lived in a city now, so it usually got crowded around. Especially during the middle of the day. Many running cars and trucks, and plenty of people trying to get to their jobs, or whatever they so needed to get to. It was a bit stressful to him, as he didn't like large crowds at all. Although he did his best to just move through everyone and mind his own business. While walking around, he would glance around his surroundings a lot. He saw handfuls upon handfuls of different and unique people, although something was sudden to catch his eye. From the crowd, he could see fluffy, light brown hair running through. His hair was almost like a cloud. Hajime was strangely, familiarized with it. And he felt attracted to it. As if he had to run after the person who had the fluffy, cloud like hair. And so, that was what he did. 

Or at least, tried to do. 

While running after the 'stranger', he was suddenly starting to get lost in the crowd. But before the stranger was to be blocked out by the crowd, he looked over, seeming to notice the brunette. He had a pale face, and his eyes were green-grey. His eyes widened to seeing the tan one, but then, he seemed to disappear. As if he hadn't existed. But Hinata had a hunch that he was real, so he had to find him. He went through the crowd, pushing through people, which surely frustrated some of them or caught them off guard. But he didn't care, he just wanted to find the person as of right now. He ended up in an empty alleyway, although it wasn't dirty or anything. It was just in between two buildings and it was empty. He continued running, almost sweating at this point, but he wasn't going to stop any time soon. 

When running to the corner, he felt himself bump into another person. He fell to the floor, which caused the brunette's back to ache, along with his head. Hinata reached up to his head, rubbing it. "I- I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," he quickly apologized, his eyes closed. The person he bumped into, was very silent, which was very odd, it almost was as if he just left immediately. But when Hinata opened his eyes, he saw the person he'd seen in the crowd and had gone looking for. He could now see him completely, and he was.. Beautiful. An very familiar and similar to someone to him. No, he was someone to him. It only took the brown headed boy a few more seconds for the reality to finally strike into his head. Before he could say anything, the other spoke. 


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