Aren't You Bored?

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Nagito's P.O.V

Only a few days after I started going to McDonald's for the sole purpose of seeing Hinata-kun in the ridiculous McDonald's uniform; it wasn't so funny on its own, it just was so out of place on him. Especially compared to what he would more usually wear. When we were kids, he would wear baggy t-shirts a lot, and the McDonald's uniform wasn't baggy at all, more formal if anything. Strange, but I shouldn't really complain about it. It's not like he can do anything about it. Anyways, since then, someone from my class that apparently is a friend of Hajime's has been talking with me a lot. Miu Iruma. And to be honest, I don't hate it at all. She's quite funny, and nice as well. I can understand why Hinata is friends with her. Her boyfriend is also in my class, he's kind just as Iruma is. She has a girlfriend as well, but she's in a separate class from ours. Although, from the way they both describe her, she sounds lovely, just as them. 

Hinata and I have still been visiting each other after school almost every day, and I still do my best to give him a new little memory I have of us as children. He's really starting to have it all come back to him, which I am glad for. But I'm surprised, that he seemingly can still tolerate my annoying, trashy self. I doubt he does it for me, though. The only more reasonable conclusion I could come to, was just that he wanted to have a decently restored memory. Once he was done gaining information from me, he'll throw me out just like the junk I am. But, at least I would have been of some use for once by then. I'd give him a light of hope, the light of hope being the recollection of childhood memory. Then I'm done. The idea is in all honesty, heartbreaking, and I do not truly want such. But I'd still be happy to be used for something, to someone I adore nonetheless. 

I sit down at my desk, placing my bag beside my desk. I sigh softly, no reason behind the sigh. In the middle of my sudden thoughts, I am interrupted by the recently familiar voice of Miu. "Hey, Hope-man!" The nickname. Oh, how much I hated it; the idea of hope was more like a comforting mechanism to me, and it somewhat felt insulting to call me 'Hope-man'. Not that I felt as though I didn't deserve the lowly, insulting treatment, but still, it hurt me at least a bit anyways. I finally respond to the strawberry blonde, "Good morning, Iruma-san," I smile. "So! My golden brain has now come up with an idea! A double date! Shuichi, Kirumi and I as one of the dates, you and Hinata as the other!" The other grinned, plopping on the seat next to mine. 

This is something she has teased about ever since we started talking; she'd talk about Hajime and I as if we were an actual couple. We aren't, and we've both told her that multiple times, but whenever we do, she acts as if she was deaf. At this point, I try to just let it be, and let her joke about what she would like to. And anyways, I wouldn't really say I hated the jokes. I honestly don't know how to feel about them. 

"First off, Hinata-kun and I aren't a couple. We could all just go as friends. Two, where would we even be going?" I ask, as I was honestly curious as to where Iruma even planned on going. "And it better not be some strip club. If it is, I'm ditching," I add with a sigh, as the thought had suddenly popped into mind. Miu groaned, "Aww mann, that was *totally* my idea!" She said it in a sarcastic manner, waving her hands around in the same sarcastic way. "Kidding, my idea was the mall! Shuichi needs to go to Hot Topic again anyways, and Kirumi needs a few more cleaning supplies. So maybe we could all just take the trip over together and go batshit!" Honestly, that didn't sound all that bad. I just wasn't sure what she meant by "go batshit". Hopefully it wasn't anything too out-there. 

"Has Hinata-kun agreed to this?" I questioned, honestly wanting to know if he'd been consulted already. "Well- uhh- I think Kirumi is asking him! But he'll totally fucking come, hopefully not the nasty way, I meannn... Why would he turn it down? It's not like he has anything better to do," Miu shrugged. "I see.." I hum, lying my arms and head onto my desk. "Well then, I suppose I wouldn't mind going. I don't have all that much else to do anyways," I say. "Great! Hopefully you and Hinata don't fuck in the restrooms while we're there!" The strawberry blonde woman continued her usual teasing. 

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