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Hajime Hinata. A very lonely five year old brunette boy, with divorced parents. He rarely ever saw his mother though, which saddened him a lot. He didn't like his father at all, he was always in a horrible mood which made Hinata insecure about many things. But for today, his father was kind enough to let him go and play at the park. Days like this didn't come often, it was one day each month where he would be able to come over to the park and play around.. Alone. But today wasn't exactly that one day of the month, today was a different case. Some new neighbors were moving in exactly today, so Hinata had to be away from all that. Which was alright with him, he liked playing at the park a lot. It was nice to get the chance to. 

But even for today, he would be playing alone. At least, that's only what he thought at the start. In the middle of playing with what toys he brought to the park, one of course being his stuffed animal he just couldn't depart from (it was a brown striped kitten with button eyes), he heard soft sobbing. His eyes narrowed just a tad, standing up from where he was playing, and having his stuffed kitten in hand. The young brunette glanced around, trying to spot out where the distinct sobbing was coming from. After looking around for a while, he discovered that this sobbing was coming from a large bush somewhere a bit out of bounds from the park.

Hajime ran over to the bush, a bit timidly, but he was still at least somewhat confident in doing this anyway. He cleared his throat, "H..Hello there?" He wasn't quite sure how to greet whoever was crying behind the bush, maybe he should just leave them alone? Well, it was too late to back off now, as he got a reply. "Huh?" A head popped up from the bush, a head of light brown hair, the tips a bit of a darker shade. The hair was all over the place and messy, but it didn't look half bad. The person's eyes were light green, and filled with clear and shiny tears that ran down their cheeks. "Wh-who are y-you?" They asked with a bit of a struggle, uncontrollable sobs coming in between. 

The brown haired boy responded, "I'm Hajime Hinata. I just heard you crying, are you okay?" He asked, tilting his head a bit in curiosity. "Oh, um- you don't need to worry, it's my problem anyways," the other kid chuckled sadly, still sniffling sobs. Hajime shook his head, "No, it's fine! I want to help you feel okay!" He smiled, meaning it genuinely. After a few moments of thinking, the other kid finally nodded. Hinata smiled, hugging his kitten close and stepping over to where the light brown haired boy was, sitting next to him behind the bush. Now he had a full view of the other young one, he wore a white shirt with a black cardigan over it, along with black shorts that went down to his knees. He also held a stuffed animal, it was a golden retriever. He held it close, hugging it as if if he were to let go of it, the world would collapse. Hajime could understand that. 

"My.. my dog, Lucky,.. he died.." The boy cried, burying his face into his stuffed animal. Hinata was a little bit shocked, he wasn't sure what to say. He had never gone through losing a pet, he never has even had one, so he couldn't understand the pain of losing one fully. "Oh- I'm... so sorry about that, how did he die?" The brunette questioned, not sure of what else he could even respond with, and he didn't want to stay silent. The other sniffed, rubbing his face with a hand. "A car, it was a car.." He simply responded, not sure how to term what happened and what he had to witness. "That's bad.. Sorry about all that, you probably really cared for Lucky," Hajime sighed, patting the other's back. 

The other boy smiled just a bit, tears still filling and falling from his eyes, and he nodded. "Mhm, I-I did.. My mommy got me this," he held up his stuffed animal, showing it off to the brunette, "since it looks like him. Lucky was a golden retriever too," he chuckled to the memory. Suddenly, Hinata blurted out, "Oh, what's your name by the way?" He ignored the depressing mood, wanting to at least know what the other boy's name was and what he could refer him to. "N-Nagito Komaeda..?" The other replied, sounding a bit confused as to why Hajime asked so suddenly, but he quickly brushed it off as said brunette drifted the topic back to Komaeda's dog. 

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