I Love You

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Hajime's P.O.V

I don't know how long I was unconscious. But, I was the first to wake up between Komaeda and I; which was worrying. His health is already horrible, especially in his head, who knows what a harsh and impacting bump to the head could cause him? Probably amnesia. Or hell, I hate to think of it but death could be a possibility too. And it made it all the more relieving to check his pulse and find that he was still alive. It would be devastating if he were to have amnesia after this, but at least he isn't dead, right? That's at least, the mindset I tried to keep on for right now. While Komaeda was still in an unconscious state, he was still holding on to the basket full of the food we were going to have for his planned picnic. It was still neatly kept, nothing had fallen out of it, thankfully. Although it was strange how he seemed to hold onto it as if it were the last source of breath on Earth. Odd. I tried not to focus on that though, as there were many more important things at hand. Police had indeed arrived, along with a tow truck, that would be the one to carry the bus away from here and take it to somewhere it could be fixed properly, if it could even be fixed after the accident. Unfortunately though, it wouldn't be able to do its job quite yet, as there were still plenty of people inside the broken bus, including Nagito and I, who needed to be checked up on and given assistance. And for whatever reason, they were taking forever, and it was going to be much longer for us as the cloudette and I are in one of the back rows, and they're seeming to go in a 'front-to-back- order'. 

I personally wasn't as badly harmed as other people on here. I just had a few bruises and scabs, in which honestly I feel lucky for that, as there are a couple of other people on here that broke more than one bone. Bruises and scabs should be nothing. So honestly I wouldn't mind being one of the last people to be treated, but then there's Komaeda. From what I can tell, he also has bruises and scabs just as I do, but I'm not sure if there's anything else that could contradict as worse. I stayed still, looking out the cracked window the entire time of waiting for help, and soon enough it was finally given. Well, somewhat; the help team was still working on other people, but they let one of their members come over and help Komaeda wake up, at least. It was almost like a miracle, right before my eyes. They used an oxygen tank to help him, which was most definitely very effective. After a bit, the albino's eyes would flutter open, calm at first but his expression would twist to a more confused one. He glanced over to me, growing even more confused as he realized his surroundings. He spoke up, a crack in his voice coming along with it, "Hinata-kun, what''s going on?" His voice was also quite raspy, but I couldn't blame him, he had just woken up from an unconscious state after all. His voice wasn't going to be perfect. I sighed, "A car crashed into the bus, and you got a concussion. Could you please tell me what hurts the worst, so the help team knows how to treat you?" I know it was a lot to take in when just waking up, but there was no avoiding it. 

Komaeda's eyes widened, and he seemed to be deep in thought. "Well, um.. It's just my head that hurts, I guess there's a bit of pain in my arm but it's not as bad as my head. Although I think my head is probably just really bruised," he answered. I nodded, "Alright then, that's actually pretty good considering the others on here." I looked over to the help team, who was still helping the same people with giving them their needed treatments and taking them out of the vehicle. The white haired boy beside me seemed to notice this as well, and his eyes would narrow. "They seem to be taking a while, how long have they been getting everyone off? If I had to guess, I'd say at least a half of an hour," he hummed, disappointment threaded in his tone. I chuckled, "Nope, longer; they've been going through for at least fifty minutes by now. I personally think they should carry everyone out of the bus immediately, hell, it could explode at any moment." Komaeda stiffened, "You just made this ten times more terrifying than it had to be." 

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