A Small Talk

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Nagito's P.O.V

It was now lunch time.. Ah, time passes way too quickly, it seems. I sigh to myself, heading to the lunchroom, in which was already crowded with people. This is, unfortunately, a shared lunchroom between the main course students and reserve course students. Reserve students, ah, where do I even begin with my hate for them? They aren't hopeful in any sense. They were just wannabes, disgusting, worthless wannabes. They weren't birthed with a talent, they were only made to be just another walking scum amongst the Earth. I despise them. But, I am no better, of course. Luck, that's what I was brought in for. But was that really a talent? No. It wasn't helpful to anyone in most cases, it was only a pit of despair for me. As far as I know, my luck is always destined to bring me despair, no matter if there is hope on the other side. As I have learned, on the other side of hope is despair, yet at the same time it twisted around. Ah- I've been ranting for a bit too long. 

Back onto the topic of reserve course students, my hate for them goes on to no end. Although, when it comes to Hajime, I can make an exception. From what I can tell by what I saw of him this morning, he is a reserve course student. His uniform spoke for itself, it was a plain black one, therefore signalling he was in the course among worthless worms. I pity him for that, he doesn't deserve to be surrounded by creatures like those. He was a kind person with a genuine heart (at least, that's how he was when we were little), he deserves to be around such amazing students as the Ultimates. But unfortunately, he does not have a talent. Well, I would argue to say he is very talented in making bagels and other things like that, but I don't think that Hope's Peak records bagel-making. 

Speaking of Hinata, I wonder where he is. We really should just, at the least, have a discussion. I understand that I came off as strange this morning, I think that's just in fault of my dementia. I need another chance to ask him, maybe I could try and find him right now since we have some free time.. But I have a hard chance in finding him in a filled lunchroom, it would take forever to find the brunette unless I got lucky. With the chance of luck, I decide not to eat and instead search around the lunchroom. I was given many odd looks, but I wasn't new to that at all. Although, I didn't end up spotting Hinata in the lunchroom. But I surely wasn't going to lose hope yet, there's still outdoors. Which is a more likely place for Hajime to be, as a kid I remember him not liking being stuffed inside during lunch. Hopefully, that hasn't changed. 

I went out the lunchroom, heading outside. There were a couple of students out here, as expected. It wasn't as if outdoors was some secret spot. I began searching throughout these students, eventually finding myself at a water fountain, where the brown haired boy I was looking for was sitting. But he wasn't alone, he was sitting with Chiaki Nanami, who was one of my classmates. She's a really quiet and seemingly anti-social girl, no one in my class really knows her well nor seems to want to know her. From what I know, she's the Ultimate Gamer. So what is she doing with Hinata? Maybe this is a bad time.. But before I could walk off, Nanami called out on me. "Komaeda? Why are you here?" She asked, but she didn't sound bothered at all. The spiky haired brunette looked towards me too, perplexion spread to his face. 

I decided not to lie, as I am terrible at that. Giving the full truth may be better for me here, my luck may be in favor. "I'm here to talk to Hinata-kun, more privately," I say. But that most definitely came off as suspicious, they both looked at me as if they thought I was going to murder Hajime. Can't blame them for thinking that, my wording was off. "Should I rephrase that?" I chuckle nervously, scratching the back of my head. "Hinata-kun, I just really need to talk to you, as you didn't and don't seem to remember me," I try to make my rephrase sound better, but I instantly cringed. Nanami didn't seem to mind that though, and she nodded in understanding. Hajime, not quite, he still seemed in a perplexed state. 

Chiaki pushed him to speaking with me, to which he only sighed. He walked up to me, scratching the back of his neck. The brunette spoke, "Fine, I guess we can talk here- but don't be upset if I leave," he said with a soft sigh, at least giving me a little hope with his words. Nanami tells him goodbye, then leaving and leaving the ahoge boy and I alone. We sat at the water fountain, a bit of awkward silence sitting between us, as I tried to figure out how to gather my words. After a bit, I finally say something. "So, are you sure you don't remember who I am?" I ask him. 

"I don't know you at all, sorry," the brunette replies, narrowing his eyes a tad. I nod, "And your name is Hajime Hinata, right?" I just need to be fully sure. The brown haired male nods in return, "Yeah." I smile, then suddenly getting a hopefully good idea that may clear the apparent fog in his memory. I decide to tell him my name. Maybe if he hears it, he'll know. "Well then, hopefully I can get you to remember me, Hinata-kun.. My name is Nagito Komaeda. Sound familiar?" I questioned, begging for him to just remember already at this point. Hajime was stuck in thought for a moment. He seemed in between on my question. This made me squeal internally. Maybe he does remember. 

I just want to have my friend again...

After a bit, he finally answered. "Y'know, that name actually sounds a bit familiar.. Not sure why though." This reply filled me with even more hope. It just sounds familiar, maybe not good enough, but it's better than him not being able to recognize the name at all. I smile brightly, "That's good! Why do you think it sounds familiar?" I need to gather up as much information as possible, to help myself lead him to remembering fully. 

I know, though, that I've changed a lot since we were little. I've grown to be less confident, more introverted, more quiet, less happy. And when he does remember me, and how I was back then, I'm quite sure he won't like me the way I am now. But, as long as he remembers, I can be happy. I got to see him after so long, I couldn't have asked for more. Even now, I am savouring the moment between us.

"I.. I don't know. It just does. I'll need a little more time to think on it," Hinata sighed as he stood up. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, maybe. If I start to remember," he simply tells me, then walking off without another word. This left me.. Quite dissatisfied. The tal between us was a bit shorter than I wanted it to be. I didn't get enough time to help him remember nor even figure a way to do that. I could tell he was getting irritated with me. 

But, hopefully, we can speak tomorrow. 


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