Just Breathe

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[a/n: let's see how many "The Prom" references I make.]

Third person P.O.V

Komaeda's little dress-rehearsal, it was finally completed. His hair was put up into a little ponytail in the back, and there were a couple four leaf clover hair clips decorated into his hair as well. To anyone passing by, they could call him pretty; and he truly did look nice like this. Although, of course, he didn't think that way. But he was still grateful for Iruma's kindness of doing this for him. As for Hinata, he was a bit timid on this. He didn't expect to have a forced date today, but apparently that was the base of the trio's plan on the mall. They just wanted to hook up Hajime and Nagito. At least, that's what Saihara was telling the brunette. Strangely honest of him. Hinata was dressed modestly; as if he were being sent to some prom. Who even dresses like this, for a simple date? It was a weird amount of effort. Plus, they were going to a McDonald's, out of everything. There were so many different food-stops at this mall, and out of all of them, they chose McDonald's? Hell, Hinata would have preferred Burger King over that any day. 

Hajime's dressing work wasn't as much effort as Nagito's. Just a white suit, a fake flower in the pocket, was Hinata's. It wasn't that much, but that was to be expected, as Shuichi was the one put up to dress him. And the blue haired male was more for a simpler fashion, while Iruma could go all out if she wanted to. And so she did. 

They met up at the McDonald's around 6 P.M, the planned time that the lovely trio had set. The McDonald's was empty, do to the amount of money that was paid for them to have it to themselves. It was a mall's McDonald's, so it wasn't as large as one you'd find in the middle of a car drive. But it was still a decent size. Hinata had arrived first, since his preparing took less time. Kirumi was the one to decorate the place and clean it thoroughly. Now, it didn't look like a McDonald's; it looked like some fancy restaurant, but with McDonald's food. In conclusion, it was amazing.

Komaeda came later, and with a whisper of encouragement from the strawberry blonde, was pushed off next to Hajime. And from there, the other three left, although they'd still be somewhat watching from the security cameras. Well, that would just be Miu. The other two found it immature, but they saw it as harmless, so they let her be. When sitting down at a chair in the security cameras' room, she couldn't help but squeal to herself. "My ship is becoming canonnn!" Yes, she is basically all of the readers right now. 

Once the three had left, everything got even more awkward; they sat down at the set up table, and began a conversation, something that was to be expected. But everything just felt so weird, and off. Nagito tried his best to at least do something for this date, so he attempted complimenting on Hajime's appearance; only to earn an awkward chuckle from him. 

'Well, this is *definitely* going swell, isn't it?'

The albino sighed to himself, knowing that this was a complete disaster already. The food was fine, the set was fine, the clothes were fine. It was just the tension. That, was screwing with everything. With the brown haired male, he had a lot of thoughts he felt as he should keep to himself. He, actually, found that Nagito's appearance was fairly attractive. Miu did a splendid job on that. But he could hardly stand the off tension between them; it was truly the wrong time to bring them into this, Hinata hadn't even remembered Komaeda completely yet. 

Their conversations led over to discussing childhood. Hajime felt so close to having everything back, it would just take a bit more work. So maybe, instead of focusing on some dumb, cliche date, that could finish off here. It would be much, much better than whatever was going on. 

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