Everything Should Technically Work

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[a/n: mm supportive and comforting Miu time. The edit above is mine, so stealing :). Just wanted to do something for the rare ot3! And I know this is totally a setting to "The Prom" shhh.]

Third Person P.O.V

Nagito wasn't sure how long it had been since Hinata stood him up; it felt like it had been years. But, Miu had thankfully been there for him throughout it. He'd cried a lot over it, and blamed himself over Hinata's disappointment. But Iruma always tried her best to cheer him up, as she wanted everything to work out. As she had a feeling that things were supposed to get better for the albino. That's what happened to her, even if she had a trauma she could still get through it and be as happy as she was now. Everyone deserved that, at least in her mind; especially Komaeda. 

"C'monn, Hope-mannn! Get a fuckin' spirit!" She cheered, as they were just sitting on Komaeda's bed, as he would only sulk there. He sighed, "How am I supposed to? I really ruined it by telling the truth in the first place, it's all my fault.." The other instantly shook her head. "No! Sometimes, the truth just has to hurt! Life isn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows! Hinata needs to get that through his head," she huffed, "Buuuut, I have a damned feeling that he isn't mad with you at all." To the second remark, Nagito's eyebrows narrowed. "How's that? He quite literally stood me up without saying a word. And I could tell he was furious," he replied, rolling his eyes now. 

The strawberry blonde huffed once again, but there was a grin on her face. "I suppose it's time for a fuckin' story. Well then, ya better listen to me, Hope-man! Because this'll surely boost some confidence; if not, I'm afraid that you are just a mere piece of shit to the human race!" Of course, anyone who didn't listen to her truly is that way. Nagito sighed again, but he had nothing else to do but listen to the pinkette. "Well, did ya know, that Kirumi stood *me* up on our first date?" She started off, leaving the albino a bit surprised. "Well, she did! I brought up the fact that I was polyamorous, interested in her being included, and she left the date. Trust me, I was heartbroken about that, I really felt close to her and I thought she would have accepted, especially since she had an obvious crush on Shuichi *and* me as well. But, ya wanna know what was actually up with her?"

Of course, she didn't give the other time to answer the question; as it was rhetorical. "Well, we had a talk about it later on, and it turns out she was just overreacting and confused on her own feelings. She wasn't mad at me, and she was actually very accepting! She just needed some time to digest the information, and the fact that I am incredibly straight-forward and blunt. And look at where we are now! A really happy couple, along with Shuichi." She took a moment, to gather up more of her words and finish off the point she was trying to make. "What I am trying to say isss, Hinata just needs a bit of time to take in what you told him, then we can find out that he isn't mad at you! Then you can have your happy ending as well, as long as I am a bridesmaid at the wedding," she grinned again, already just fantasizing at the idea of going to Komaeda and Hinata's wedding as a bridesmaid. Just a nice and normal boost of self-esteem. 

But, even though the story had made the pale male feel at least a bit better, he still shook his head to it. "That's very sweet, and I'm glad for you, Saihara, and Tojo. But everyone's going to have a different outcome, just because you got through something sort-of similar doesn't mean it's going to be the same way for me," he explained. But to this, Miu only groaned, "Well, yeah, but that doesn't mean you should lose hope! You *really* fuckin' love hope, don'cha? So why not just head in strong, ask him what's wrong once he's ready, and see what happens from there?" She was truly persistent, and definitely wasn't going to give up on the other so easily. Even if it doesn't turn out well, it would be better if he had at least tried. 

The white haired male shrugged, lying down on his back with yet another heavy sigh. "Are you really sure? Have you even talked to him since then?" He questioned, already having the suspicion that she had not. Miu grumbled, "Well, yeah, duh, I'm sure! But I tried texting him, got nothin' yet except a good ol' left on read," she admitted. The male's eyes narrowed, "What did you even text him?" The inventor smiled, "I just said that we were all upset with what he did and want to talk, for a better understanding. In the absolute most polite way I can!" 

'Polite', in Miu Iruma's vocabulary? Almost impossible. Komaeda knew that, so he had a strong feeling that she didn't quite say it in a polite manner. But he decided to brush that off. "Well, whatever, just tell me if he says anything," he hummed. Miu nodded, "Of course! Anyways, we should go to the bagel shop nearby for a bit of a cheer-up, yeah?" She suggested, standing up from the bed. "Hinata's told me before, that ya really like bagels!" And of course, that wasn't close to being a lie. Bagels were more like a comforting/coping mechanism to the cloudette, because they reminded him of Hinata, and how he would make bagels for him, mostly on his birthday. Therefore, he quickly nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that. I *do* have a special spot for bagels," he hummed. They left the albino's home, heading for Kirumi's car, in which the sage haired girl had allowed Iruma to borrow. 

The small trip to the bagel shop near them wasn't that long of a drive, it took about fifteen minutes. But once Komaeda stepped inside of said bagel shop, his eyes were met with something he didn't expect in the least. 

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