Why Was It Special?

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[Five years later]

Hajime's P.O.V

I sigh, walking into my room and shutting the door behind me. Today was just another stressful day at McDonald's, my manager, Maki Harukawa, was extremely pissed for no reason at all. I only gave a customer an extra chicken nugget on accident, it's not that big of a deal. So I guess I should just lie back, and relax. I look around my room, heading to my bed and pulling the covers over myself. So I sit there and sulk in the weird silence for just a while, before looking around my room out of boredom. While looking around, I spot a stuffed animal, a single one. It's a golden retriever, it looked like it would belong to a young child. This isn't new to me, I've had it for a while, but really thinking about it right now.. Why do I have it? 

You see, I don't have the best memories of pre-test. By pre-test, I mean before the 'experiment' my father has told me I was destined for, at my new school program, Hope's Peak. The experiment didn't fully go through, I wasn't even able to get into it. Before having any chance of being used for the experiment, I had to take a certain test that would see if my body and organs (mostly the brain) was 'compatible enough'. But it ended up not being so, and considering how my father was, you could imagine his reaction. He was begging for them to retake the tests and make sure, or just to do it anyway. He apparently, didn't like me as I was, he thought I wasn't 'good enough of a son'. He's been even more fumed towards me, ever since I came out to him as demisexual. He was on the very edge of disowning me then. I probably shouldn't have came out to him, but he would most likely end up learning it sooner or later, whether I tell him or not. 

But anyways, because of the test I took, some of my past memories were set out as foggy for me. Mostly my childhood, and before moving here. Unfortunately, my father will not bother to tell me anything about my childhood, and that it 'didn't matter'. So I'm only left in confusion. Back to the stuffed dog, I could just assume that it was a childhood toy that young me didn't want to depart from, but I don't think that's the case. For some reason, it feels too special to me. Like I shouldn't throw it out or give it away. And sometimes, I feel the need to hug it as if it were some body pillow, like it would solve all my problems instantly. An this stuffed animal still somewhat had a nostalgic smell, it's not completely there, but just somewhat. The smell is like a bittersweet ginger. 

'What in my lifetime even smelt like that, anyway?'

I don't smell like bittersweet ginger, at all. Not even close. The small smell from the stuffed animal was an entirely different scent. So it couldn't be my childhood toy, the smell put it off from being that way. As hard as I try, I cannot think of what this could be from, and why I have it, but all I really know is that I can *never* get rid of it. Feel free to slap me if I do. Sighing, I took the dog plushie, hugging it to my chest. It made me feel a bit better a few minutes later, as it usually did. The smell from it was comforting, and once again, nostalgic. Even if I can't put my finger on why. 

I close my eyes, as I should get some rest now. It's going to be a new year of highschool tomorrow. Which will probably be hell, I can imagine. Best to savour some rest right now. 

Nagito's P.O.V

I still haven't forgotten. Every day, I think about Hajime, what could have happened to him, does he even remember me? He said he would so surely back then, so he might? Maybe I shouldn't be focusing on that...

Anyways, it may be wondered what has happened to me during the time of Hinata being away. To put it simply, it's only gone downwards. My parents died, I earned their inheritance, I've gotten kidnapped, I've won the lottery, and I've been diagnosed with lymphoma and frontotemporal dementia. All in the span of five years, it's bizarre. 

My hair has changed from it's light brown, to a white only with the slightest tint of the light brown at the tips. And my skin, it's much more pale than it was before. And it was extremely delicate, just a touch may leave a red mark, hell, even a bruise. 

But once again, I could hardly ever get Hajime off of my mind. Even if it may not matter, and it's been so long, I should probably move on. But, I don't really have any hope left. The money from the heritage and lottery, that doesn't do shit when it comes to my happiness. Money doesn't fix my issues at all. If i were able to maybe just see Hinata once more, I would put bets on that making me feel better as a majority. That might sound stupid, but he is the only person I've ever cared about who may still be alive. And that gave me just an ounce of hope. 

I can remember just about everything about Hinata from memory, even if it's been so long. I can remember how independent he was, how great he was at making bagels, how much he loved orange juice, his ahoge, everything. And no, I'm not obsessed. I just have a really good memory. And he was my only friend in my entire lifetime, besides my one dog that passed away when I was young. Why wouldn't I remember everything, or at least almost everything?

Ah, I'm probably just pointlessly ranting at this point. How pathetic of me. Anyways, I have something else to do. To explain simply, I have gotten accepted into Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Lucky Student. Which, I don't feel like I deserve, but the school wouldn't really let me turn them down. So, I have to move into an apartment more near the school. I was just about done, I don't really have much to move with anyways. Mostly just clothes, items representing my parents, my comforting bedsheets, and finally the striped kitten stuffed animal. So with that, I got into what was my parents car, which was already filled with the boxes and bags in the back seats, and then beginning to drive off to the apartment. It took a longer while than it should have, since one, I was new to driving, and two, it was many, many miles away. 

Hopefully, the school wasn't that bad.

[a/n: BDJHBVEGSHBJ I knew what I wanted to do with this chapter but then I got to the end of writing it and my mind turned off FJFJFJFJ]

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