Please Remember

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Third person P.O.V

Hajime left his home, with a school bag in hand, as today was the first day of attending Hope's Peak Academy. In the last few years, he attended Hope's Peaks' other schools, but this would be his first year here. He was appreciative of attending the program, his father had paid a lot to get him in. But honestly, he found that ridiculous. His father paid so much, for what? Hajime didn't deserve to go here. Unlike most of the students at this school, I do not possess a talent. I'm boring, useless, talentless. Nothing more, the fact that that is the truth hurts me more than words can tell. But, once again, it's the undeniable truth. 

He looks down to the floor as he walked past other students, which was a dumbass move. The realization of his dubassery hit, as he bumped into another student, falling to the floor and bruising his head. He groaned, taking a hot minute to look towards the other and apologize. But during this little time, he was surprised to notice that whoever he bumped into wasn't speaking, as if they were in a state of shock. Once the brunette could look at them, he indeed saw a confused expression on their face. Maybe even a hint of realization in that expression as well.

This person, they had seemingly fluffy, wavy, and messy white hair, some brown at the tips but Hinata could only see it in the sunlight. Their skin was really pale and it looked as if a single touch could break it at any second. Their eyes were an admittedly quite pretty shade of green and grey blended, but the green was, like the brown in their hair, only recognizable in the sunlight. Hajime could tell they were in the main course (the main course is for the talented people) because of their uniform, it was a shade of brown. But unlike any of the other main course students, they wore what seemed to be a sweater vest that was striped red and green. But it looked quite nice, Hajime had to admit.

'Why do they seem so familiar.. I have a feeling in my gut that I may know this person..'

"H..h.. Hajime Hinata-kun?" He speaks, making Hajime confused. How did this guy know his name? Sure, he may have found this individual familiar somehow, but that didn't make this any less creepy. The brunette's eyes narrowed, "How do you know my name?" He questioned, genuinely wanting to know. To his shock, the other began sobbing, tears running down his face, yet there was a small smile there as well. He could only sit there awkwardly, strongly just wanting to leave now and pretend this guy didn't exist.

"Uh.. I'm leaving," Hajime sighed, finally deciding to just give up on the strange individual he had bumped into. He stood up, brushing himself off. But, before he could leave, the boy who was still sobbing spoke. "No, wait-! We need to talk, please! Trust me!" His wording was strange and suspicious, but he didn't seem to have malevolent intentions at all. At least it didn't look that way to Hinata. But the brown haired male groaned, "School's starting in an hour, I need to head to my classes. And I don't even know you, how do you expect me to trust you?" The white headed one seemed genuinely hurt by that comment. But Hajime, being the dense idiot he was, took no notice nor care into it. And that could only remind the sobbing and quietly begging other about just how dense he usually was.

'He hasn't changed..'

He thought, yet he was still wrong about that in a sense. Hajime didn't remember him. How? Why? It's only been five years, he just at least have a somewhat clear memory of the lanky male. Said lanky male, obviously being Nagito Komaeda, could hardly think of what may have twisted Hajime's memories to cause him to fail to remember Komaeda. 

Hinata walked off, abandoning Nagito entirely without another word. This left the white haired boy to take his time calming and standing up, which sure did take a while. Once he got up, he walked off to his own classes. But, he hasn't given up on Hinata yet. He was *sure* that the male he bumped into coincidentally was his childhood friend. If he was wrong, he would beg to be slapped silly. Therefore, he would do his best to possibly learn what happened to Hajime, why he had forgotten, and help him remember. This was the main idea on his mind, the other thought had been pushed to the back of his mind. What was that thought? It was really just him fanboying over how attractive Hinata had gotten. But he didn't focus on that, as it didn't matter right now. He had to focus on his main thought. Just for now, at least.

During classes, Nagito hardly paid attention, but that didn't really matter. Today was only a first day, and apparently at Hope's Peak first days are mostly just a 'get to know your classmates and teacher' kind of thing, but students were allowed to not participate.

Hinata also could barely pay attention to anything. He was so freaked and confused about the encounter with the albino male he bumped into on accident. He tried his best to dig through his memories, in hopes in finding something that would maybe connect with the pale boy. Yet, nothing. Maybe he would have to take the male's offer of having a talk later? That would most probably be better for his thoughts. Perhaps the albino could jog his memory. 

He'd just have to think on it.  

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