friend fights : chapter 26

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Your POV:
      After a while I was able to get up from my hospital bed and walked to the gryffindor common room. You smiled as Draco was about to knock.
      "Hey." You said smiling cockily.
      "Y/n..." He said breathlessly and ran to wrap you up in a hug. You beamed and held him close.
      "I've missed much." He said into your hair. You pushed back to face him and he gripped your back tighter.
      "I don't know about that." You said and he smiled, quickly closing the space between you. You melted as he pressed his lips to yours. He set you down and smiled at you.
      "You are my world." He said running his hand up and down your back.
      "As you are mine. I just don't know where that dark, mean Draco went?" You said. His eyes flickered. "What's wrong?"
      "Can we talk later? Alone." He asked quietly. You nodded and Oliver, Ron, Hermione, and Harry busted from out of the common room.
      "Y/N!!" They all said in unison, minus Ron of course. You smiled again.
      "Hey guys!" They all ran to give you a hug as Ron leaned up against the door. Draco turned to Ron as they all tackled you in a hug.
      "If you're so bothered, could you give us a moment?" Draco said staring daggers into Ron.
      "As if you care. You're just some spoiled rich boy who is pretending to care about her." He said giving me a pointed look. Hermione turned in disbelief.
      "Why do you have to be such a prick." She shot. Ron rolled his eyes and pouted. Harry of course was quick to stick up for him.
      "C'mon guys leave him alone." Harry said.
      "Whatever the only people who have been relatively supportive of me and Draco is Olli and Mione." You said. Harry and Ron shot you a look. "Don't act like you guys don't glare at him every chance you get."
      "What do you expect? Us to want to hang out with this prick." Ron shot glaring at Draco. That set off something in me. I ran up to Ron and punched him square in the nose. He held his nose and whined. Draco snickered and Olli looked away.
      "Y/N!!" Hermione shouted and led Ron into the common room as he glared back at me. My eyes widened I didn't understand why she was defending him. Harry looked at me and didn't know what to say or do so he just scurried after the other piece of the golden trio. Draco and Olli both came to you.
      "Did he hurt you?" Draco said taking your hand. I shook my head and rubbed my thumb over my sore knuckles.
      "Well Ron doesn't have the guts to tattle so you won't have a history repeat." Olli said smiling. I looked away ashamed at what I just did. Olli put a hand on my shoulder. "Y/n that was brilliant, someone had to cut him a notch down." I grinned a bit.
      "Really?" I said. They both nodded.
      "Well I've got quidditch." Olli said and hugged me quickly. "See ya later." He said and gave Draco a small smile. Draco's stone cold expression didn't change as he looked worriedly at me. I smiled and rested my head on his chest. He put a hand on my back.
      "Are you really okay?" He said running his hand through my hair.
      "I just punched someone, again."
      "We really need to work on you talking out your emotions instead of rearranging people's faces." He said giggling.
      "Oh shut up." I said punching him.
      "See. This is what I'm talking about." He said laughing. "Hey, do you want to spend the day together? Classes don't start until tomorrow." He said softly. I nodded into his chest.

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