fancy me? : chapter 22

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Your POV:

Hermione and I walked into the dress shop. Seeing the flowing fabrics, the studded slippers, the soft auras of color that lofted around the room made me feel safe. My eyes danced around the shop to the well crafted wooden walkways to the tall elegant woman sitting through gowns with her wand. As the little bell tinkled the woman looked over and gave us a cat like grin.
"Hello my dears!" She said sashaying towards us. "However may I help you?" She placed a long well groomed hand on her thigh and leaned with grace. She was stunning.
"Erm hello." I said quietly and Hermione nodded. I think we both felt a tad insecure around her long blonde locks that made her face even more framed than it already was.
"Shy aren't we?" She said as she turned her golden tresses following her head. She put her attention on filling out forms for the dresses as if we were just making seldom conversation.
"We were just wanting to look into some dresses." Hermione said straightening her sweater.
"Well why didn't you say so?" She grinned that sly grin and fabrics engulfed Hermione. She seemed very shocked and uncomfortable.
"So what's your color darling?" She said as she continued filling out this form which seemed to be her main point of attention at the moment.
"Well I'm going with a guy in a brown suit." She said fighting the fabric as it twisted itself around Hermione. The seamstress looked over at Hermione. She seemed to be calculating something in her head.
"How about purple?" She said eyeing Hermione up and down.
"Purple's fine." She said bluntly as she finally let the fabric float around her. The lady nodded and the fabric seemed to follow her thoughts and before I knew what was happening Hermione was in a gorgeous purple ruffled dress that flowed to her ankles. It traced her torso well and was quite flattering.
"Well?" The lady said smiling at her creation.
"I love it." Hermione said spinning in it. I gasped.
"Hermione you look like a princess!" You said beaming at her. She looked over to you and blushed. She smiled down at her dress and ran her hand over the fabric.
"It's beautiful." She said breathlessly. Then in the blink of an eye her old clothes were on and her dress was folded neatly in a bag. Hermione stepped down from the platform.
"Thank you Madame." Hermione said going towards the counter to pay for her dress. You watched Hermione then went around the dress shop looking through the dresses. You flipped through the gowns and smiled at how pretty they were. You heard hushed voices from around you and looked up to see a small group of boys your age glancing at you. They all snickered and looked away as one kept his eyes locked on yours. He stared at you and winked quickly. You looked down and continued to look at the dresses trying not to pay attention to the boys. Hermione came around the corner and stared at the group of boys.
"Y/n I think one of those boys fancies you.." She said peeking around you to look at a handsome boy with a Ravenclaw beanie over his ash blonde hair. You scoffed gently.
"Fancies me? Of course not. What a silly idea Hermione." You said trying your hardest to pretend to have great interest in the color of a dress.
"Well don't look now he's coming over-"
"Hermione shut up!" You frantically shoved her gently as you felt a tap on your shoulder. You smiled and turned around slowly. You looked at him and mentally lectured yourself for thinking he was attractive.
"Erm hello.." He said softly.
"Uhm hi." You said. You put your hands in your jacket pockets. "Do I know you?" You said trying to smile.
"Not yet." He said smirking. Hermione perked up.
"So why'd you come over?" She said.
"I just thought you were pretty. That's all." He said smiling down at you.
"Well she kind of has a boyfriend." Hermione said patting his shoulder. "Maybe another time." She gave him a sympathetic look and pulled you away. He watched he two of you as you left and shrugged walking in the opposite direction.
"Thank you so much 'Mione. I didn't think I'd ever get away from that conversation." You said breathing a sigh of relief. She smiled.
"What're friends for?" She pulled you towards the walkway and you stood facing the seamstress like Hermione had done moments before. She analyzed you and thought quietly. Then fabrics surrounded you whipping into bows and ruffles. You felt uncomfortable in all the fabric as your old clothes were replaced with a gorgeous black dress. An off the shoulder fitted top matched with a flouncy black skirt layered with tulle. But the best part was the diamond studded belt that blended into the top and skirt, scattering diamonds across your dress, making your dress look like a starry night. Hermione gaped at you. The seamstress beamed with pride.
      "What?" You said clueless of what you looked like. You turned to the mirror and you melted. "It's stunning. That word doesn't do it justice." You said twirling to see it in it's glory. You turned to the maker. "Thank you." You emptied your pockets only leaving a few coins and gave her the money for the dress. She nodded and pocketed the money. She flicked her hand and the dress was replaced with my old clothes.
      "Y/n that dress was stunning!" She said smiling. You smiled brightly.
      "I know right!" You laughed as you took your packaged dress from the seamstress. You both waved goodbye and carried your dresses from the shop. You and Hermione laughed and talked as you walked to Honeyduke's.
      "Ron won't know what hit him when he sees you in that dress Hermione!" You said smiling. She giggled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders giving you a squeeze. You smiled at the warmth of her embrace mixed with the sunshine on your face. It made the bitter cold nipping at you less annoying.
      "We're such a good team y/n." She laughed and walked into Honeyduke's with you. Your eyes followed to Draco as he stood looking at the candies and then over to the two boys who were making a racket. Ron had eaten an animal candy and was making elephant noises that trumpeted through the shop while Harry was chasing after a chocolate frog. You and Hermione busted out laughing. Draco's eyes flicked over to you and he walked over to you holding Glacial Snow Flakes.
      "Aren't these your favorite?" He said leaning closer to you. You smiled.
      "You remembered!" You said pecking him on the cheek. He smiled at you and walked towards the counter holding several chocolate items because of Draco's sweet tooth. Hermione had floated over to the two troublemakers trying to sort out their mischief and help them figure out what they wanted. You stood over by the door and stared out the window at the wind blowing lone leaves across the cobblestone. You loved the winter and smiled gently as the heat from the shop made you feel nice and warm against your thoughts of the bitter cold outside. Draco snapped you back to reality from your thoughts as he walked over with a paper bag full of candy. You smiled up at him as he gently opened your book bag and placed the bag inside.
      "Got enough chocolates cauldrons?" You said smirking.
      "Shut up." He said coming around to face you as he placed his hands on your waist. You put your hands once again in your jacket pockets and smiled up at him. He looked at your book bag. "So what'd you get?" He said taking your hands in both of his and cupping them. He blew hot air into his cup heating up your hands. You smiled.
      "You'll have to wait and see." You said. He groaned and rolled his eyes.
      "Totally not fair." He said looking over to Hermione laughing at Ron as one of his own chocolate frogs had escaped and he was sprawling around trying to catch it. You looked at his features and looked over to the trio. Draco looked back over at you and nodded. "Wanna go get some butter beer?" He said holding your hand. You nodded and let him lead you outside. You walked the cobblestone street and purposefully stepped on leaves to hear them crunch. Draco watched you and shook his head. "You're such a dork."
      "Shut up you like it." You said still focused on crushing leaves. He smiled and opened the door to the tavern for you. The breeze followed you in and made you shiver. Draco followed in behind you and you both walked to a nearby booth. You slid in and Draco slid beside you. You set your bag on the floor and watched Draco get situated before you picked up a menu and leaned up against him putting your head on his chest softly. He watched you and placed an arm around your side and looked over the menu from over your shoulder.
      "Why do we bother looking at the menu when we know what we want?" Draco asked quietly.
      "Why do you always wear black?" You said looking up at him. He locked eyes with you and you smiled looking back down to the menu. You placed your menu down and fiddled with the trim of Draco's shirt. "Hey Draco?" You said.
      "Yes princess?" He said.
      "Do you think I'm pretty?" You said.
      "Is Harry a seeker?" He said using your technique from earlier. He moved your head up to his. "You're not pretty, you're gorgeous." He said and pressed his lips against yours gently. You smiled and pulled away.
      "Okay okay I get the idea." You said laughing. You smiled as the waiter walked to your table.

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