emotions : chapter 7

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Your POV:

You finished unpacking your stuff and walked to the library. You swung open the big doors and walked to the front desk. The librarian looked up smiling. "I'm looking for "Hogwarts a History"?" You said quietly. "Oh yes! Just over there!" They said pointing. You nodded your thanks and headed over and looked for the spines title. You reached for it and so did a long pale hand. You whipped around to see Draco trying to take the book. "Draco?" You said surprised. "Yes (y/n)" he said his stormy eyes locking with yours. "I meant that in a surprised tone" you said smirking a bit. Suddenly an idea popped into your head. You leaned in close to his face and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Draco?" You asked quietly looking up at him. "Y-Yeah?" He stuttered. "The books mine" you giggled and grabbed the book shoving him off. He ran after you quickly. You rushed out of the library and down the hall. He grabbed your wrist and you tried to untangle from his hand. He held his grip and tugged gently making you whip around and kind of fall. He placed a hand quickly on your back and pulled you back up. You stared at him for a minute then shoved him off. He smiled and you heard someone coming down the hall. He quickly put on a displeased look and glared at you. "You filthy mudblood!" He yelled as the student saw the drama and walked faster away. Your expression changed from joy to confusion. "Draco?" You said. "I had to they can't know-" He said. "Can't know what? That a Slytherin is hanging out with a Gryffindor? Wow. I thought you had changed." You said tears starting to roll down your cheeks. "I thought you were having fun!" You cradled yourself gently. "I just don't want anyone to think I don't hate you." He said. "That means you really do hate me?" You said and wiped away some tears. "Goodbye Draco." You said walking down the hall. "Fine! You weren't any fun anyways!" He said storming in the opposite direction. You rushed to your room and flopped on your bed crying softly. A knock came softly on the door. "C-C-Come in." You said between gasps. Oliver came through the door and sat at the end of your bed. "Heyy, what's wrong?" He said frowning. You sat up and collapsed into Oliver's arms crying softly. He rubbed your back and sighed quietly. "Hey what's wrong" He said pulling you to arms distance. "Someone who I thought was my friend well kinda friend doesn't want us to be seen together." You said as Oliver wiped away your tears. "Why do you care if your only friends today." He said gently. "I don't know!" You said and lied your head on Oliver's shoulder. "Thank you for being an awesome friend" you said smiling. Oliver nodded and hugged you again. "I gotta go, I'm sorry, but I'll see you tomorrow." He said getting up. You nodded. "See you tomorrow."

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