friendships : chapter 12

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Your POV:

The next day you had finished getting ready and decided to talk to Hermione. You went to Hermione's room and knocked on her door. "Come in" her half awake voice called. You walked in and the other girls beds were empty. She saw you and her eyes turned from a happy regular gleam to a not so nice, unsure glare. "Hey Mione" You said gently. "hey..." she said quietly. "You know what i'm wanting to talk about...i want you to know that i was going to tell you but i wasn't really expecting him to come off so soon. But i really am happy and i want to know that i think you should be happy for me if you truly are my friend.." You said breathing out some relief. She sat up and stared at the covers in thought. She skeptically looked up. "Why him?" she said quickly. "He really treats me right and makes me really happy." You said. She nodded slowly. "I'll support you but (y/n) don't expect me to get along with him. I may not now i may not never because he has done some things to me that have scarred me for life." She said as hurt glazed over her eyes as she thought of several memories. You nodded. "I'm just glad you don't hate me now" you said chuckling lightly. She smiled and turned over. You walked out happily with a smile and a hope that this would change things.

Mutualism : Draco X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now