ask me? : chapter 15

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Your POV:
It was a beautiful day and you had trotted towards the Great Hall to see what the day had in store for you. The sun shone through the window and you happily went into the bustling Great Hall. You sat down at the Gryffindor table beside Hermione. "Good morning!!" you smiled at your friends. Hermione glances at you from inside her book. She smiled. "Good morning." She went back to her book. Harry and Ron both looked at each other and nodded. "Boys!" you said quickly. They both moved their eyes up to meet yours. "You need haircuts badly." you stated pointing to their long, shaggy heads of hair. Ron furrowed his brow and pulled at a strand of hair. Harry chuckled. "We don't look that bad do we?" he said smiling. "No you just look like you haven't had a haircut in a long time. You and Harry exchanged smiles. Hermione glances up at the boys and giggled. She closed her book and took a sip from her goblet as Ron started babbling on about some quidditch match. Harry seemed dull. "(y/n)!!" Harry said perking you as you spooned eggs into your mouth. You looked up quickly. "Wanna go to the quidditch world cup with me, Ron, and Hermione?" Ron groaned. Hermione kicked his leg under the table making Ron twist in pain. "Uhm well I don't know..maybe some other time." you said smiling. "That's a shame." Ron said obviously not meaning it. Hermione glared at Ron. "I'll make sure to get you a souvenir." You nodded quietly and looked down at your plate. You started eating and suddenly lost your appetite. "Harry?" you said quickly. "Yeah?" he said looking up from his food. "Wanna come and take a walk?" you said gently. He nodded and walked with you outside the hall. You started to go on some tangent about creatures as you walked down the hall. Then you found yourself hurtling towards the ground. You braved for the impact but a pair of hands caught you. You opened your eyes and they met a pair of melting caramel eyes. You pushed off the new person and saw a boy with a crooked smile and messy auburn hair. "Hey!" said the boy. "Uhm hi" you said chuckling. "IM SO SO SO SORRY!!" a boy said flashing a camera into your face. "I was trying to get a picture and and!" He stuttered. You smiled. "It's okay". You turned as the boy scurried off and Harry just watched you. "Hey Cedric." Harry said quietly. Cedric nodded. "and you are?" he said. "I'm (y/n)." "Nice to meet you (y/n)." His crooked smile broke out and made you smile. Harry turned and nudged your foot with his quickly. You turned to see a familiar blonde. "Hey Draco!!" you shouted down the corridor. Harry nodded seeing you got his message. Draco walked towards you and stood by you with his hands in his pockets. "Hey hufflepuff." Draco said coldly. Cedric nodded. "How're you Draco." "I'm fine. How's your dad." Draco said again very coldly. This set something off in Cedric. "He's fine. How's your dad? Still working for Voldemort?" Cedric said furrowing his brow then softening. Draco turned ice cold and set his eyes of Cedric. You stepped in between the boys and tilted Cedric's face to look at yours. "Thank you Cedric for helping me. It was so nice to meet you!" you said warmly smiling. Cedric nodded and returned the smile. Draco watched him walk away in a locked stare. "Draco. Why'd you have to ruin that for me?" you sighed. "What you being super friendly with another dude." He said. "Draco i'm just friendly okay. He was a potential new friend." you said staring down. He stared down the corridor not saying a word. "Draco." No response. "Draco." No response. "DRACO!" you screamed. He turned to look at you. "I get you love me okay? but...i can't have you protecting me from things that aren't a threat.." you trailed off. He coldly stared at you. "I'm not losing you." he stated. "You are if you keep this up." Just then someone turned down the empty corridor but you could only see them out of your peripheral. "Draco I just want some freedom. A relationship is about trust not trapping the other." Draco stared coldly like nothing had happened. "I'm. Not. Losing. You." He said one word at a time. You started to get upset. Just then you made out who was coming along. Oliver. "Hey. Sorry if i'm interrupting but is everything alright?" he said cautiously. "Everything's fine." Draco said. "I wanna leave." You said. Oliver read your face and nodded. He put a hand on your back and pulled you away from the boy who stood tall. His pale skin glowing and his grey stormy eyes flowering down on you.

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