ask me? : chapter 15 (cont.)

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Oliver's POV:
You sat once more in the dining hall for dinner whenever Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"Attention Students." He said. Everyone turned and stared at him.

"Later this week we will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament. We will be housing Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstrang Institute. We will also have a Yule ball. More announcements will come further as the time approaches." He sat down.

Everyone excitedly looked at each other and started whispering. Draco locked eyes with you. You stared immediately down at your plate.

"So (y/n). Who are you planning on asking." Hermione said smiling.

"Erm..things are kind of complicated right now." You said gently trying to get off the topic. Hermione nodded her response and continued chewing her food. You thought about your choices and complications with Draco. Just then you decided to get up and go get some air. You pushed from the table and removed yourself from the Great Hall. Your eyes followed the paintings and you left the castle and went into the amazing grassy meadow and smiled at the warmth of the sun.

"Beautiful day eh?" said a someone you recognized. You smiled and turned facing Oliver

"Hey Olli." You said going over to him and giving him a hug. You took in the embrace. His hot black robes and how they felt against your cheek. You smiled as you took in his scent and pulled away. You noticed he was nervous about something.

"You okay Oliver?" You said cautiously. He took a step towards you.

"Uhm I know Draco's your boyfriend and all I was just wondering see since you and Draco aren't on great terms right now could you maybe consider going with me?" He awkwardly chuckled.

"You're asking me?" You said shocked. He nodded. "Well i'll have to think about it." You said slowly. "But i'll let you know."

"Okay. So we're good right? Like no awkward stuff?" He smiled. you shook your head "no". He nodded and you walked back into the castle. Hermione walked up beside you and waved.

"Hey 'Mione!" You said enthusiastically. She smiled at your warm response and continued with your walk. "So I was thinking we could go to Hogsmeade and get some dresses later?" You said excitedly.

"YES!!! You'll never guess whose come when you were gone!" She said practically bounced off the walls.

"Who?" You said.

"Draco. He was asking about you. What were you doing anyways?" She said curiously.

"I was getting fresh air and then i bumped into Olli. He asked me to the Yule Ball." You said quietly.

"NO WAY!!" Hermione said doing a little jump. You nodded shyly. You shrugged and sighed.

"Do you feel conflicted because of Draco?" She said placing a hand on your back. You nodded. You both reached the Fat Lady painting and there stood a figure with stormy eyes and pale skin. Draco. Hermione quickly flitted inside the Gryffindor common room. You awkwardly stood parallel from him. He watched you quietly and took a couple steps towards you.

"Hey princess." He said staring down at you. You nodded looking away from him. He placed a finger under your chin and lifted your face to his. He revealed a white rose bouquet from behind a statue and offered it, cracking a sly half-smile that hung with guilt. You took them gently.

"What's this for?"

"Being the best girlfriend ever and not breaking up with me even though i'm such a big jerk sometimes I hate myself." He said hanging his head. You felt bad for him and took the bouquet and took his hand in yours.

"I know you're protective but I need space sometimes I don't want a rash I want a boyfriend" You said frowning. He nodded chuckling a little at your comparison. You stepped towards him and threw your arms around his rib cage. He put his arms around your shoulders and placed his head on yours. You sunk into the moment and enjoyed it. He pulled away.

"I really am sorry. You don't have to forgive me if you don't want'd just be a shame." He stated.

"Why?" You questioned.

"Because I paid a lot for this." He opened a ring box to reveal a beautiful silver ring in the shape of a snake that looked like the snake coiled around the finger. You gasped.

"It's gorgeous." You said breathlessly. He smiled and slid it on. A perfect fit. "How can I ever stay mad at you?" You smiled. He tilted your head once more and kissed your lips gently.

"I'm truly sorry my love." He said his gray eyes clouding over in shame. You smiled. "Will you ever forgive me?"

|~"Why even ask me? You'll know i'll always say yes"~| You said.
Draco smiled at his moment and Oliver woke up from his dream.

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