figuring : chapter 18

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Your POV:
     You had finished your stay with Goyle a while ago and had enjoyed laying back and relaxing when Hermione came in with two plates heaping with food and a small stack of books. You sat up slowly on your gurney and smiled as Hermione walked into your little section.
     "Hey! How're you doing?" She said placing the plates on the bed stand beside your gurney.
     "Hurting but glad to have company." You said smiling at her while picking up your plate and starting to dig in.
     "I picked up your work for your classes but don't worry yourself with it. I'm going to make sure it's turned in and correct. I also brought us books. A few for me and your favorite book about the creatures in the wizarding world." She said placing her pointer finger on her chin. "Am I forgetting something?" She said.
     "I'm afraid you've covered anything. Thank you so much Hermione. I'd give you a hug but I think i'd pass out if I did." You said giggling. She shook her head and laughed retreating to the empty chair and started to eat her own plate of food.
     "So...has Draco visited yet?" She said trying to push down the hate in her voice. She looked up cautiously awaiting your reaction.
     " not yet. I don't know what he's feeling or thinking. I haven't thought about it much since what happened. Madame Pomfrey made me down that awful potion today so I should return to schooling tomorrow." You said playing with some peas on your plate.
     "I hope that little cockroach comes to visit you if he knows what's good for him." She said trying her best to be defensive of you. You giggled.
     "You know how about you and weaslebee?" You smirked. "He seems to have ideas of asking a certain someone to the ball." You said and smirked. Her eyes went wide in alarm.
     "He what?!?!" She whisper screamed. "That little!" Her cheeks turned pink and you could see her thinking furiously. "He's only asking me as a last resort." She said thinking.
     "Yes but you can say you're his first thought." You say smirking at her. She blushed and held her tongue.
"I hope Ronald has fun at the ball. He knows I have a date though." She said stabbing her broccoli furiously.
"Does he Mione?" You said peeking at her.
"I could care less. He's really been pestering me lately and I just don't understand why he can't understand that I'm going with someone and happy without him. He's so frustrating I'm always a last resort because he never has the courage to ask me out." She said sighing from her mouthful of words.
"Why don't you tell him that?" You said frowning.
"I don't think he cares for me the way I'm ready to care for him." She said placing her plate on the bed stand.
"I understand Mione. At least you have a date you're going with and won't have to worry about him." She nodded slowly. The doors to the infirmary opened and you sat up expecting someone. Oliver peeked his head inside your cubicle. You and Hermione both stared at him blankly.
"You have some nerve showing up here Oliver." Hermione stated coldly. Oliver nodded.
"I was hoping to speak to y/n. If she'll allow it." He said looking hopefully down at you. Hermione looked over at you. She gave you a concerned look and you shrugged. She took her things, gave you a quick squeeze, and left. You stared at your new blanket and rubbed it softly. Oliver went over to your bedside and ran his finger against your hand.
"I'm sorry y/n. I really am. I should've just shut up and helped you. I-" You looked at him and could see he was starting to get emotional. "I don't want to lose you." You could hear his voice breaking. Your lips pressed together in a straight line and you patted the space on the gurney beside you. He sat reluctantly.
"I forgive you Olli." You said sliding your hand into his. You looked over at him. You looked into his brown eyes that looked at you with love and leaned forward. He placed a hand on the curve of your back as you placed a hand on the side of his face. You pulled him closer almost closing the space between you and him. He stared at you in a trance. He pulled away and took the hand you held to his face down to your side.
"Y/n I can't do this. You love Draco." He said and got up from the gurney. "I hope you get to feeling better." He gave you a half smile and left. You sat in thought. I almost just kissed my best friend. You thought and thought of Draco. You began to cry lightly thinking of what you just allowed yourself to do.

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