fight : chapter 14

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Your POV:
You had just finished your school day with Draco and walked with him down the hall while holding his hand. A familiar pair came head on towards you. Blaise and Pansy came up to you and Draco. "Oh look it's the traitor. Might as well be a mudblood." Blaise muttered. Pansy glared at Draco. "Whatever Zabini. You suck either way." Draco said giving a cold, blank expression. The hall was filled with hustle and sounds but the atmosphere around the four was awkward and silent. (y/n) cleared your throat. "Uhm well you guys are welcome to come sit with us at lunch if you want? Goyle is coming to join us!" you said smiling in hopes they would join. Something went off in Pansy. "Why do you care mudblood." She said nastily. "Well you seemed very lonely at one end of the Slytherin table alone." you said cautiously. "So i'm a loner? Why you little!" Pansy started she whipped out her wand and stepped closer. "Pansy..I didn't mean it like that. I just want to be friends." People started to gather around the commotion. "You know what you are (y/n)? You're a little prick. You dress like a hoe and act like an idiot. Draco deserves someone who's not as pathetic as you. You'll always be a filthy." She stepped closer and placed her hands on your shoulders. "little." She pushed you. "mudblood." She shoved you to the floor. Draco ran towards you but Blaise interfered and whispered. "Get close to her and i'll do worse." Draco weighed his options carefully and decided you could handle yourself but he nodded to you signaling he'd step in if necessary . You stared at her un-phased. A crowd gathered and watched closely and silently. She screamed "SAY SOMETHING. DO SOMETHING!" She wound her balled fist back and swung. You quickly ducked and stood up. She swung again and caught your lip. You stumbled back and touched your lip. Blood dropped on your finger. You smiled and pulled your robe back into place. Pansy reeled back again. You quickly twisted your hips and threw your shin at her calf. Her knees buckled and she fell to the floor standing on her knees. You took her chin in your hand and clenched her face. "Don't ever try to humiliate me again or next time I won't hesitate." You sneered and released jerking her head away. You picked up your books quietly as the crowd watched in awe. Draco pulled you away and took your hand. "Are you okay?" He said gently. You nodded. "Just a little cut" You smiled. "I'm sorry I didn't step in." He hung his head. "Draco it was between me and her. It alright." You said staring forward. He pulled you outside as it was the end of the school day. He led you to the edge of the lake. "What're we doing Draco?" You said laughing. "You'll see" He said smiling. You rolled your eyes and followed. He helped you down some rocks and helped you behind a waterfall into a beautiful glowing cave. Little orbs of light floated delicately through the cave. "wow" you said dazzled. He smiled. You kept looking at the beautiful orbs in the dark cave. You turned to see Draco concentrated on you. "What?" you said laughing. "You're beautiful (y/n)." He said bluntly. You blushed and stepped closer. He snuck a hand around your waist and pulled you closer to him. You smiled. "Why hello there." You giggled. "Hello" He whispered gently. Your eyes locked and you seemed to see clouds rolling in his stormy grey eyes. The speckles of darker grey in his beautiful eyes. He stared into yours and you snaked your arms around his neck. You leaned into him and kissed him sweetly. He kissed you and matched your passion. You broke away from his kiss and put you head on his chest smiling. "(Y/n)?" He said. "yeah?" you said hearing his heartbeat softly. "Today's our half year. Could I give you a gift?" He said. "Sure." He teetered on his feet. "I love you." He stated. You smiled. "I love you too."

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