understanding : chapter 17

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Your POV:
You sit in Dumbledore's office staring at the floor. You look over at the clock on the wall and sigh. tick. tick. tick. tick. I wonder what's taking so long. I wonder what his dad is going to think. I can't believe he actually held his anger for me. Slam! You looked up to see a raging Oliver storming through the hall away from you his eyes trained on what was ahead. You sighed once more and pulled at your fingers. tick. tick. tick. tick. You head McGonagall walking towards you. click clop. click clop. Her pace was rapid and unchanging. You kept staring at the floor as her feet appeared in your view. You looked up.

   "Come now please Ms.(l/n)" she stayed blandly.

    "Okay." You got up from your seat and followed her down the hallway to the infirmary. After what seemed like a long hour you arrived at the infirmary in a matter of a few moments. She swung the heavy doors open and you followed her intently.

    "Good day Professor!" Madam Pomfrey said enthusiastically. She started shuffling over looking you up and down.

     "Good afternoon Madam." McGonagall said smiling sweetly at Pomfrey. "You have a new patient. I believe she might have a light concussion." McGonagall said in a scolding tone.

     "Well then Ms.(l/n) come come!" she said hastily as if she was in a rush even though the infirmary was empty. McGonagall gave you a silent nod and strides away back to her class. You followed the Madam to an empty gurney and laid down silently. "So dearie how'd you end up getting that nasty bump on your head?" she said poking at you.

     "Well someone was cursing me I believe and they broke the back legs of my chair gave out. My head hit the flooring pretty hard." you said watching her arrange her potions.

     "Ah, now how in the world would someone curse a sweet little thing like you?" she said trying to force a smile. She started mixing something.

     "I don't know. My boyfriend was mumbling something. I don't quite know yet why or what it was." you said quietly thinking to yourself about what had happened.

     "That's a funny story dear. Is your vision blurry? Does you head still hurt?" she said still mixing away and busily fluttering from one thing on her table to the next.

     "Uhm yeah it's still a little blurry and my head still hurts quite a bit." you said fiddling with the ends of your skirt.

     "Alrighty then i'll busy myself with making my concoction. Something tells me your dearie will come and say hello." she said winking and scurrying away with her supplies. You sat in silence for a minute enjoying the silence. It's peaceful here. You turned and looked out the window at the swaying grass and the silent infirmary, aside from Madam Pomfrey's gentle swishes and swooshes of her magic. You turned and laid down staring at the ceiling. I have no idea what to do. Then a figure walked into the infirmary. You looked over to see a familiar smiling face.

     "Mione!!!!" you jolted up which made your head pound but you didn't care. She giggled and ran over giving you a giant hug. She squeezed you tightly.

"How're you? I heard you knocked your head pretty hard." she said into your shoulder. She poked her head up and stared at you. "I hope the rumors i've been hearing aren't true."

"What rumors?" you said blinking at her.

"Just that Draco cursed you and made you get a concussion. I really have been trying not to believe them but I just don't want to see you hurt.." she said trailing off. She stared into your eyes. You sighed and shrugged hating to bear his name.

"I don't think he would do that to me. At least i'd hope not." you said. She took your hand.

"I'm done with class for the day and dinner is about to start. I'm going to come back with some dinner and a book for both of us." she smiled and turned. She stopped for a second just outside of your small area. "You know your can tell me anything. I won't tell a soul. I'm here for you." she said smiling. You nodded as she walked off. Just as she left another figure came trodding in.

"Knock knock dork." Goyle's voice sounded through the infirmary. You laughed quietly.

"Hey Goyle." you said smiling as he peeked his head around the cotton sheet dividing you from the space beside. He strided in and dropped a bag on the end of your gurney. "What's this?" you said smiling.

"A little something." he said sitting in the unoccupied seat shoving his mouth full with a chocolate frog. You shook your head scolding him and peeked inside the bag. Inside was some jelly slugs, a few unopened chocolate frogs, a few chocolate frog wrappers, a new quill and ink pot, some new scrolls, and lastly a warm fuzzy blanket sprayed with your favorite scent. Peppermint. You looked up at Goyle.

"Are you sure you gave this to the right person?" you said smirking at him.

"Yeah don't get yourself too worked up over it kay?" he said giving you his unamused frown. You smiled.

"Thanks." you took out the blanket and a couple jelly slugs and laid back on your gurney. You gently extended the blanket across yourself and nibbled on the jelly slugs. The next moments were filled with enjoying Goyle's company.

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