love? : chapter 9

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Your POV:

It had been a week since the incident and you sat in the library quietly reading a book. A pair of hands slithered around your eyes. "Guess who?" He said quietly. "Hmm oh idk Draco?" You said grabbing his hands. He smiled and handed you a small box with dark green sleek wrapping paper gently wrapped around it. A sparkling silver bow placed delicately on the top. "Wow" you stared at its beauty. "Go on!" He said smirking. You gently peeled back it's paper and opened a lid to a plain brown box that was hidden under the paper. You gasped lightly at a beautiful Barrett that was a butterfly with glittering green jewels encrusted in it. It flapped it's wings gently as you placed it in your hair. "It's beautiful Draco! Thank you!" You smiled. "But what's it for?" You questioned. "For being a jerk to you when I was just scared to tell you." He frowned. "Tell me what?" You said raising an eyebrow. "I don't know." He said. "Well thank you!" You said and jumped onto Draco wrapping him in a hug. He stared at you for a minute and blinked. He relaxed and gently wrapped his arms around your shoulders and hugged you back. "Your welcome.." he whispered quietly. You parted from him and grinned. "So, we're friends!" You smiled. "Of course you snob" he frowned. "Alright well I have to get going! I'll see you later!" You gathered your things and went to the door. "Oh! And thank you again!" You smiled and ran out. "Of course..." he said fingering the presents bare box.

Mutualism : Draco X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now