oliver's dream : chapter 16

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Oliver's POV:
Oliver eyes fluttered open and he clutched his red blankets. He sighed and stared at the light fluttering through the window. He rolled out of his bed and changed into his uniform. Oliver crossed the room and took the handle in his hand and stared at it. I guess the dream was warning me not to ask her. He sighed and pulled the door open. Olli trudged down the stairs and stopped in his tracks. (y/n) was standing there in her uniform but she had slight traces of makeup and her hair was curled neatly. Oliver inhaled. She's stunning. He took in her beautiful (h/c) colored hair. The way it shone against the light. The way her teeth showed as she smiled at whatever she was doing. He smiled then remembered him. The snake who took his best friend away.

"Hey (y/n)." He said trying to sound nonchalant.She looked up. Her piercing (e/c) melted him.

"Hey Olli!!" She smiled softly. "Uhm so Olli..i'm going to take a walk with Draco. He said he had something for me." She said blushing at his name. I hate when she does that. That snake doesn't deserve her love. I swallowed my pain and smiled.

"Oh okay. Well i'll see you later be safe!" She nodded as I headed out.

Your POV:
Olli acted oddly today. I don't know what's gotten into him. You thought to yourself and went outside to meet Draco. You gulped and went outside the common room not ready to face Draco's cold nature. You walked down the cold empty halls and found Draco waiting in front of your first classroom door holding a single white rose.

"Hi." you stated coldly.

"Hey. I hope you don't mind me being a little extra public if you would say." His stormy eyes seemed more soft and kind.

"It doesn't matter." You frowned. You tried to walk past him. He gently grabbed your hand and pulled you aside.

"Listen i'm really sorry okay? I really messed up I just want you all to myself. I don't like it when guys are around you a lot." He frowned and looked down. You squeezed his hand.

"Well you've said sorry and I know it was heartfelt so I forgive you." You smiled and stood on your tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek. He smiled.

"Thank you my love." He tucked your hand more into his and kissed the top, leading you into your first shared class. You took a seat beside him and started to listen. After a hour or so you felt your chair start to wobble. You stared at it unamused and shrugged. Draco sensed it and started mumbling something. Suddenly your back two chair legs snapped and you landed hard on your back, your head slamming onto the hard floor. Draco shot to your side and but Oliver was quicker. He pulled your head into his chest and cradled you. My head. You couldn't fight the pounding in your head. Like a never ending drum. Pounding. Pounding. Pounding. Oliver said something.

"YOU DID IT YOU SNAKE! I SAW YOU MUMBLING WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" Oliver screamed at a blurry spot. Draco stared at him, his expression blank and cold.

"I wouldn't do that to her." He stated. McGonagall rushed over quickly and told Oliver to calm down. She cast her levitation spell to carry you to the infirmary. Oliver stood up rage clouding his eyes.

"why you.." He leaped at Draco pinning him down to the ground. You peered are the commotion, fighting to keep your eyes open. You saw Draco's eyes filled with anger. You could tell he was holding back. Oliver swung at Draco and got a good hit at his jaw before Draco snapped back to reality. "Flipendo!" Draco cast the knock back jinx sending Oliver hurtling towards a wall. McGonagall appeared shocked then also got her sense back and took Oliver by the ear and eyes Draco as if asking him to follow with her eyes. She whipped around once more staring at the class.

"If any of you dare act out I will send you all to detention and no Yule Ball." She stated and with that turned to fix her mess.

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