gryffindor : chapter 3

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Draco's POV:
I stood with Goyle and Crabbe glaring at (y/n)'s back. "What's your problem with her?" Goyle said trying not to aggravate me. "She's a mudblood. You're a pure blood. Get it through your thick skull she's just dirt underneath our polished Italian leather shoes." I said sneering. He nodded and Crabbe just stood there dumbly. I strode to the front of the first years crowd with Goyle and Crabbe behind me. I shoved (y/n) over in the process. "Hey!" She said glaring at me. "Watch where you're going. Mudblood!" I said striding forward. "You know it's getting boring listening to you calling me a mudblood. You know I don't get it. There's nothing pure about you. If you were any blood status I figured you'd be a mudblood." She sneered crossing her arms across her chest. "Mind your business you filthy little!" I said getting cut off by the Sorting Hat. "I can begin!" He shouted. "Hermione Granger!" McGonagall said. The other mudblood hopped up on the stool. After a few minutes the hat shouted, "Gryffindor!" And with that she ran to her pathetic table. "(Y/n) (y/l/n)!" It shouted and (y/n) hopped on the stool. "My...brave and cunning like a Slytherin and Gryffindor. But kind, loyal, and intelligent like Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff....Best Be GRYFFINDOR!" It shouted and she smiled running to the weak table. "Draco Malfoy!" It shouted and I waltzed to the stool. The hat was placed in my head and it soon shouted, "SLYTHERIN!" I smiled. My obvious house. I strolled over to my table and looked over to (y/n) who was staring at me. She shot a glare and looked away. I've got her wrapped around my little finger. I thought smirking.

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