harry : chapter 4

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Your POV:
You smiled and looked down at your meal glad to have the boring sorting ceremony over. You quickly ate your food and a boy with dark hair and green eyes slid over to you. "Hi." He said smiling. You giggled almost choking on your pumpkin juice. He chuckled in response to your giggle. "Sorry, I'm (y/n)." You said sticking out a hand. "It's alright, I'm Harry." He said smiling. "Harry? Harry Potter?" You said raising a brow. He nodded seeming quickly untreated in his potatoes. "I didn't mean to...make you seem famous or anything I just thought it would be cool to meet you." You said trying to make him feel better. He nodded smiling. "Um well I have to go to the common room, want to come?" You said toying around a piece of broccoli on your plate with your fork. He smiled. "Sure!" "Alright" you got up and Harry followed and you went to the Gryffindor door. You whispered the password Percy had whispered to you earlier after you promised him to never tell anyone and entered with Harry. "Wow." Harry said looking around in amazement at the big cozy room with a huge fireplace and big red sofas. You smiled. This felt like home. "Well now that we're here I want to go explore!" You said laughing. "I think I'll start unpacking." Harry said. "Alright..." You said blinking nervously. "I'm fine I just want to get an early start and Hedwig probably wants out of her cage." He said smiling a little. You nodded and exited wandering through the halls. You reached the hall to the library and looked at a statue of a hippogriff and smirked. It was such a beautiful creature and you always wanted to see one in person. The doors to the library opened and you quickly leaped behind the statue afraid to get caught. Draco came into view and glanced around. "Who's there?" He said squinting. "There's no use in hiding." He said crossing his arms. You sighed and came out. "Ah it's just you (y/l/n)." He said a thin line across his lips. "I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult." You said placing a hand on your hip. "Probably the last I haven't decided." He said. "Why wouldn't you insult me?" You said eyeing him. "I just might need your...assistance." He said looking away. You looked at him confused and shrugged. "What do you want." You said crossing your arms. "I need help writing a letter to my parents. They usually require me to send them letters. I need some big words to make me sound smart." He said. "So you just basically called me smart. The first compliment. So yeah I'll help you." You said. He nodded his thanks and slid down behind the hippogriff statue and placed his quill on the word great. "Remarkable." You said. He nodded and wrote that in its place.

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