three broomsticks : chapter 23

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Your POV:

      You smiled and traced the cracks in the wooden table at your booth. You smiled taking in the soft scent of peppermint and listened to Draco's chest moving up and down as he breathed. You snuggled into Draco more and he chuckled.
      "Are you comfortable?" He said stroking your back while looking out around the restaurant. You smiled and nodded. "Good we can't have you being uncomfortable." Just then a waiter came over and you perked up. He eyes the two of you.
      "What can I get you?" He said staring at you. Draco shifted and you could tell he was uneasy.
      "I'd like a butter beer please, actually make that 5 butter beers." You said smiling politely. Draco slid his arm protectively around your side. The waiter scribbled quickly.
      "That'd be right out!" He quickly gave you one last glance before walking away. Draco turned to you.
      "You know we officially got together a year ago." He turned to look at you.
      "I guess it would've been around this time. It just makes this trip even more enjoyable." You said smiling. He grinned.
      "You know you really make me look like a very lucky man." He said staring at you. You blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
      "Maybe." You said shyly looking away. He pulled you close to him.
      "Y/n, not maybe. You make me incredibly happy. Plus you make me vomit every time I see you." He said straight faced.
      "What?" You said raising your eyebrows. He chuckled.
      "I'm only kidding beautiful." He nuzzled your cheek with his nose and kissed you lightly. You pushed him away gently.
      "Did someone give you a love potion you're being so lovey dovey." You chuckled.
      "What you don't like my love and attention?" He said wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you furiously all around on your face. You laughed and argued with him to stop between chuckles.
      "Stop! DRACO!" You giggled. He stopped and held you still as Hermione, Harry, and Ron floated over to your booth. They all slid in together on one side not wanting to intrude on the couple. They all nodded and smiled at you and Draco.
      "Did you order yet?" Ron said flipping through the menu as Harry looked over his shoulder. You smiled.
      "We just got butter beers but, yes we did order." You said.
      "Draco you're going to love y/n's dress she looks absolutely stunning." Hermione said gushing. You blushed.
      "But so do you Hermione that dress is absolutely gorgeous." You both smiled at each other.
      "Y/n looks good in everything so I don't think that would be very hard." Draco said glancing at Hermione. Harry squirmed in his seat still not sure of how to react with Draco around a lot today. You all sat in silence for a bit as Ron flipped away at the menu. Just then the waiter came dashing around and put the drinks on the table. You smiled and grabbed yours sipping it happily. Ron started to go on about what he wanted to eat as Draco lightly sipped his. His face scrunched up.
      "This is disgustingly sweet y/n." He said and you chuckled as you wiped off the froth from his upper lip with your sleeve. He turned to the waiter. "I'll have a firewhiskey for my father." Draco said looking at the waiter and flashing the waiter a few galleons. The waiter nodded and scurried off. Hermione's eyes widened.
      "Draco! You're getting.." She lowered her voice. "An alcoholic beverage?" She said unhappy with the rule breaking. He nodded. Hermione looked over to you and you shrugged not knowing what to do. She rolled her eyes and started to slowly drink her butter beer. Ron giggled.
      "Care to share Malfoy?" Ron said eyeing him mischievously. Draco grinned.
      "For anyone who accepts it." You lightly punched Draco. He laughed. You lowered your voice.
      "Just not too much okay?" You said quietly and he nodded. Harry looked up from the table.
      "So what're we doing for christmas?" Harry said smiling at the thought of christmas. He was happy he didn't have to go home to the Dursley's. Hermione perked up.
      "I'm planning on staying at Hogwarts but I'm sure I'll go to the World Cup." She said smiling.
      "I'm staying too." Ron stated looking up from his butter beer.
      "Me and Draco are staying as well." You said gripping Draco's hand tightly. We all exchanged smiles that we'd be able to spend the holidays together.
(Sorry this was a really short an uneventful chapter I've been very busy but I promise to update again soon with a longer chapter. Much love <3)

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