my draco : chapter 19

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Your POV:
You sat thinking as the night ticked on. You heard someone quietly entering the infirmary. A tall blonde turned into your area. His gaze softened when he saw you.
      "Y/n..." He said breathlessly and walked over to you. He walked over to you and bent over snaking an arm around your back as you half sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck. He turned his head slightly and kissed your temple. "How are you my love?" He asked quietly.
      "I'm okay but why haven't you come to see me sooner." You asked into his shoulder.
      "Snape and Dumbledore gave me a hard time and i'm sure they gave the brat an even harder time." He said gently as he moved sitting beside you on your gurney facing you.
      "I'm sorry.." You said and looked down.
      "Why? You didn't do anything." Draco said brushing a strand of hair from your face. You trembled and slid your hand into his.
      "I-I-I....I almost kissed...Oliver." You said and felt a tear roll down your cheek. You and Draco sat in awkward silence and you could feel his body stiffen. You sat and cried quietly for a few minutes.
      "I'm....i'" You said in between hiccups. You felt Draco's hand under your chin. You looked at him with hope.
      "I'm going to the ball with Pansy." He said his eyes glassed with hate. His cheeks went white and he stood up. You stared at him in shock.
      "What?" You said near silently.
      "Go with Oliver." He said starting to walk away. Reality clicked in and you felt your heart drop as waves of tears washed inside of you. You got up your legs shaking and stumbled towards him. He kept walking towards the door. You moved as fast as you could.
      "MISS!" Madame Pomfrey ran after you. You grabbed onto Draco's sweater.
      "Draco please.." You started to sob. "I need you. I can't lose you." You stared into his stormy eyes. "please..." He looked you up and down and jerked away closing the door. You slid down the door sobbing as Madame Pomfrey ran over and coddled you encouraging  you to return to your gurney.

~Time Skip~

You sat on your gurney staring at your gurney wondering what just happened. A very furious bushy haired girl stormed in. She rounded into your area. She stared into your eyes.
      "I'm going to Avada Kedavra him." She said glaring at you. You turned and stared at the window. You jumped as the door slammed open as Harry and Goyle came in.
      "Y/n I told you he was not good for you!" Harry said. You stared up at him and he instantly regretted it seeing the hurt. Goyle glared at him.
      "I'll talk to him y/n." Goyle said rubbing your shoulder. "Do you want anything?" He said. You shook your head. Madame Pomfrey came shuffling in.
      "Excuse me children she needs fluids! She lost a lot from crying! I'm guessing you have a gnarly headache huh dear?" She said waving her wand. You nodded quietly. She left after a couple moments and Harry stepped forward and hugged you gently.
      "Want me to knock him off his broom during quidditch? I'll do anything you want me to do." He said while giggling into your ear. You smiled and shoved him away. "I GOT A SMILE!!" Harry said raising his fists in victory. Hermione and Goyle laughed. You joined in happily.
      "Guys i'm supposed to be sad!" You said giggling. Goyle smiled.
      "I'm gonna go talk to Draco y/n. I'll be back to tell you what I found out." You nodded and he left as Hermione and Harry both took one of your hands.
      "Have you gotten to feeling any better?" Hermione said wiping the ink off your hand from where you used a pen to give yourself a tattoo. You nodded.
      "Much better." You said. Once more the infirmary doors opened and Oliver came into the room.
      "Hey y/n. Are you okay? I heard what happened from George and Fred." He said stepping into the cubicle. Hermione glared at him.
      "There's already rumors spreading?" You said starting to get upset again. "They're not bad y/n Fred and George just told me how Draco hurt you and left without saying anything so everyone doesn't like him." Everyone turned as fighting was heard. Hermione put her hand on her concealed wand and Harry grasped his tighter. Oliver went over to you and took your hand. Goyle came into view holding a furious Draco. He was throwing an awful fit.
      "LET ME GO GOYLE. I HATE YOU. YOU'LL HATE ME FOR THIS." Goyle held him tightly and looked down ashamed. Hermione whipped out her wand and pointed it at Draco.
      "I swear if you're not quiet i'll curse you into the little weasel you are." She said glaring into Malfoy. Everyone went quiet. Draco was breathing heavily and stared into the cold floors. Harry stepped outside the cubicle to see Madame Pomfrey suddenly alert by the situation. He stared at her.
      "You don't know about any of this and this situation." He said and returned to the cubicle.
      "Why'd you hurt y/n Draco?" Harry said genuinely curious and oblivious.
       "Because she almost kissed Quidditch Captain here." He snarled still refusing to look up. Harry was taken aback and decided to keep his mouth shut. Oliver gulped.
      "Draco I'm not going to sit here and deny I don't have feelings for y/n. But if you guys are in a relationship I promise I won't get in the way of that anymore." Oliver said.
      "I know it seemed bad but it was a spur of the moment thing! I wasn't trying to hurt you Draco. I literally drank a potion that smelled like feet so that may be part of it. No offense Olli. And when will you get it through your thick skull that I only have eyes for you." You said staring at Draco. Oliver looked down. Hermione took Harry and Oliver's hands and led them out of the infirmary. Goyle pushed Draco towards the empty seat and Draco sat. Goyle looked at Draco.
      "Draco she made a mistake. You have too. Nobody's perfect and she said she's sorry. Y/n is an amazing friend and wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. Can you please just forgive her?" He said sighing. You stared once more at your slytherin prince. You got up slowly and Goyle watched you carefully to make sure you could walk without falling. You walked over to Draco and he stood up in front of you. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around your waist and put his head onto your shoulder and started crying softly into your shoulder. You rubbed his back and Goyle smiled. You looked at Goyle and mouthed "thank you". He smiled and nodded.
      "I've got to get going now. Lots of homework." He said shuffling out. You stood and let Draco lean against you letting his emotions pour out.
      "Y/n...I don't you." He said crying more. You raked a hand through his hair.
      "My love you won't ever. I'm sorry for what I did. I love you and only you." You said. You kept rubbing his back when you touched a certain spot and he flinched. You stopped. "Draco why'd you flinch?" You said. He froze.
      "It's nothing." He said quickly.
      "It's obviously something. Let me see." You said turning him around and lifting his sweater slightly off his back to reveal several big bruises and cuts. "draco..." You whispered. You fixed his sweater back and made him face you. "Are those from..your father?" You said slowly. He turned his face away and nodded a little. You put a hand to his cheek and wiped away his tears. "Why didn't you tell me?" You said looking at him.
      "I didn't want you to think I have some awful life. Nobody knows expect me and you now." He said quietly. You nodded and hugged him gently careful not to squeeze the marks. He moved your hands to intertwine around his neck and and rested his hands on your sides. He leaned in towards and kissed you gently and sweetly. He broke away.
      "I love you." He said.
      "I love you too." You said tapping his nose with yours. He smiled and picked you up like he would on your wedding day and laid you down on your gurney. He slid in beside you and spread open his arms so that way you could lay against him. You moved to do that but he hugged himself instead.
       "UGH!" You rolled over and crossed your arms in anger. He laughed and pulled you closer to him. My draco.

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