aftermath : chapter 31

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author's note: hey guys! sorry for abandoning my books recently. my classes have kept me very very busy and i haven't had the motivation to continue writing. now that i'm on christmas break, i'll have plenty of time for writing and responding! i'll be happy to reply quickly to any messages or comments i receive over break! merry christmas!
    I sat at the Gryffindor table, reading a book while the snow fell softly from the ceiling. The candles floated above the Great Hall and the massive Christmas trees glowed warmly. The air smelled of cinnamon and everyone was in a cheery mood. Ever since I left the infirmary, life was going splendidly. No drama, no nothing. Just me and Wayne and Wayne and me. We spent the weeks studying together and going to get butter beers after classes. During our weekends we played in the snow and wrapped presents together. I hadn't seen Draco in so long, it was refreshing. While I did miss him terribly, Wayne filled that gap for me. Rumor has it that Draco's been sulking by himself and in a state of depression ever since the fight but I honestly didn't give a shit.
    "Whatcha reading?" Wayne interrupted as he put his chin on my head. I smiled.
    "Nothing important." I said as he sat next to me.
    "Are you going home for Christmas or are you staying here?" He asked pulling me closer to him. I laid my head on his chest. I heard his heart slowly thumping in his chest and inhaled his sweet pine scent.
    "Probably just going to stay here. I don't really want to go home because my parents are off on a business trip in Florida. So it'll just be me alone." I sighed.
    "Oh okay. Well you could always come home with me if you wanted to?" He said as he took my hand in his, tracing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.
    "I know, I just kind of want to stay here. Nothing against you and your parents I just really want to take a break from sudden things, yanno?" I said looking up at him. He smiled.
    "I do know." He kissed my temple and thought for a moment. The silence was comfortable as his thoughts turned in his head. "I think I'll stay here until Christmas Eve, so that way I can do presents with you and then Christmas with my parents. Is that okay?" I paused. Draco never asked me what I wanted to do. What if I choose the wrong thing? What if his Christmas is ruined because of me! That would be awful. Then his parents wouldn't like me.
    "If that's what you want, that's what I want too." I liked that response. He cupped my cheek with his free hand and I stared up at him. He stared at me with his big brown eyes like I was the person who put the stars in the sky for him. He held me like I was the one who made his hands and arms to hold me with. In this moment, I realized I was his entire world.
    "Damn you're beautiful" He whispered. He leaned into me and I swerved into his shoulder. He chuckled into my hair. "(Y/n)?" He said.
    "After that moment, I can't give you just a peck and that's the only thing appropriate in the Great Hall." I whispered as my cheeks flushed pink. He chuckled and took my hand, pulling me from my seat. I grabbed my book as we ran into the corridor. We both laughed crazily as we ran through the corridors. He suddenly pulled me behind a statue and sat me down parallel from him as we hid behind the statue. I set my book down and smiled to myself.
    "(Y/n)?" He asked in a quiet voice. I tucked my hair behind my ear.
    "Yes?" I said looking up to meet his gaze. Locking back into those brown eyes. He pulled me close so I was in front of him. He put a hand on my waist and the other on my cheek. I leaned into his touch and he grinned at me.
    "I love you." He whispered. I was taken aback. We hadn't been together that long and he already knew he loved me? How could that even be true? I wasn't going to suffer another heartbreak because he was ready to jump and I wasn't. I love you is like the ocean when you don't know the season. If you jump in at the wrong time and place, you'll be hit with icy chills stretching through your whole body. But if you jump in at the right time, it's warm and inviting. I didn't want the icy pains anymore. He stared at me questioningly.
    "Sorry." I stood up and walked away from the spot. I could hear him get up to follow me.
    "Wait! (Y/n)!!!" He shouted after me. I ignored his protests and kept walking. He ran after me. God, why am I such a fool. Falling in love is such a mistake. He's too good to be true. If I cut myself off then life will be better. He grabbed my hand and turned me towards him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and the another on the side of my face as he bent down to kiss me. His soft lips met mine and I paused for a second. I loved kissing him. Feeling safe and wanted and love- I shouldn't be doing this. I shoved him off of me. I shouldn't be doing this. I turned away from him and walked towards the common room. "(Y/n)! Did I do something wrong?" He rushed after me. I touched my lips. I wanted to remember his soft kisses. I knew that was the last time I would kiss him.

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