birthday : chapter 28

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Your POV:
I sat in potions and stared at my textbook hoping my work would do itself. I had sat by myself today in hopes Draco wouldn't sit by me. He hadn't. I hated when we fought. He never apologized, he would just stare at me while I beat my frustration into his ears. I felt someone tap me on my shoulder and I turned around to see the blonde ravenclaw boy from the dress shop. I gave him a small smile.
      "Yes?" I said.
      "You know there's a ball coming up? You could always go with me. I'd hate for you to waste that beautiful dress." He said winking.
      "I'll think about it." I replied and turned back to my empty work. Draco got up and stormed out of the room. I didn't care. This fight was different. He had never said he'd hated me before and I wasn't going to let this one just be swept under the rug. Snape rolled his eyes and started furiously scribbling on some parchment. The end of the day came and I collected my things as Ron came over to lean on my desk as everyone filed out of the classroom.
      "So I heard Wayne asked you to the ball?" He said grinning.
      "Yeah I don't know. I don't want to hurt his ego." I said chuckling.
      "Which one? You'll be breaking someone's heart."
      "I'm not going with Wayne."
      "Why not? It'd be a great way to get under Draco's skin." Ron said underneath his brows.
      "I may be mad at him but I'm not going to do that to him." I said, leaving the room with Ron. Ron paused.
      "I'm really glad we're cool again. I missed talking to you, just a little bit."
      "Me too. Just like the old days." I said laughing. "You're a superb friend Ronald." He pushed me playfully as we turned a corner. I saw him and my heart sank. There stood Pansy with her lips smashed on Draco's. Her arms wrapped around his neck and his wrapped around her. Pansy flicked her eyes up to mine and ran a hand up into Draco's hair as she smirked against his lips. All I could do was stare. Ron grabbed my wrist and dragged me to  the library. He twisted me around and held me tightly. I couldn't cry. All I could do was replay the moment. All I could do was feel my heart crack.
      "Y/n I am so..sorry." Ron said holding me tightly. I stayed silent, welcoming the embrace because it made me feel okay for the moment. "Hey. Why don't we go to Hogsmeade with Hermione and Harry?" He said. I shrugged. "Well it wasn't a no."
      "No thank you." I said. I stepped away from him and stared at the floor. "Thank you Ron. I just...want to be alone right now." I said softly.
      "Well i'll bring you back your favorites. Unless you want me to stay with you?" He said poking at you. I smiled a bit and shook my head.
      "I'm okay." I trudged back to my room and lied on my bed. Thinking and eventually drifting into a peaceful slumber.

      "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Hermione, Harry, Ron, Oliver, Collin, Cedric, Crabbe, and Wayne popped up from the sides of your bed. I jumped and then smiled.
      "You guys remembered?" I said smiling softly as Hermione lied a thick slice of chocolate cake on my lap.
      "Of course! We have to remember our best friends birthday!" Collin said grinning widely. Everyone nodded.
      "Thank you guys! So much!" I said. They all took turns giving me a hug and everyone laid a present on the edge of my bed. I carefully unwrapped all of them. Hermione got me a planner and a new book, Ron got me a new set of knitted items clearly from his mother, Collin made me an album with pictures he had taken of you, Harry got me some candies from Honeyduke's, Crabbe got me packets of hot chocolate and a new blanket, Oliver had gotten me a sweatshirt with his quidditch number on it, and Cedric got me a nice set of quills. I thanked everyone generously and smiled ear to ear.
      "Thank you all so very much! This has been an amazing birthday already!" Everyone turned as Draco walked in.

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