birthday (cont.) : chapter 29

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Your POV:

The room fell silent as everyone turned to Draco. Hatred flickered behind his eyes.
"What's going on." He said squirming. Hermione swallowed.
"We're celebrating her birthday." She whispered, avoiding his eyes. His eyes widened in recognition.
"You arse!" Oliver lept at Draco, tackling him to the floor. Oliver straddled Draco and threw his fists as hard as he could into the sides of Draco's face. Cedric and Harry rushed to Oliver, pulling his arms and trying to yank him off of Draco. I threw my blankets off and pulled Oliver as hard as I could by his waist. He wrestled against our arms and his face shone a bright red. Draco scrambled against the floor and cowered against the wall. "YOU FORGOT HER BIRTHDAY! YOU DON'T DESERVE HER! YOU DON'T DESERVE HER KINDNESS! YOU ARE NOTHING DRACO! NOTHING!" He shook with anger. You looked around at all their faces and ran out of your room. Hermione ran after you with Colin following right behind. You plopped down on an armchair and stared at the floor. Hermione dropped into the chair beside you, throwing an arm around your shoulders and squeezing you tightly. Colin sat on the floor and stared up at you.
"I'm sorry this had to happen today." Hermione started.
"Where's the boys." I asked blatantly. Colin flicked his eyes to my room.
"They decided to stay back so Oliver can cool off." Just then Ron opened the door to your room and watched as Draco backed away from the room. Draco turned to see you and stormed from the common room. I buried my face into my knees. Hermione sighed.
      "Let's not make today about him. Guess what today is?" Hermione's grin grew. Colin wiggled in his position.
      "Christmas!!" He whispered excitedly. I smiled.
      "You're right! Today is going to be fantastic!" I sat and thought about the days events. I gasped and ran from the common room and ran to the Great Hall. I flitted my eyes all through the Great Hall until they landed on Wayne. I ran over. "Wayne!" I said out of breath. He turned and looked me up and down.
      "I will admit gorgeous, you look rather stunning in pajamas." He said smirking. I looked down at my clothes and noticed I was still in my pajamas. I laughed awkwardly. He chuckled. "What's up?" I sat beside him on the bench.
      "Do you have a date to the ball tonight?" I whispered. His eyes lit up.
      "I do in fact. But I can make other arrangements, you can't show up without someone to show you off." He said, running his fingers through his hair while smiling down at you. I rolled my eyes, smiling.
      "It's a date." I got up and he took my hand softly. "What're you?" I started. He flicked his eyes to Draco, which I hadn't noticed was here, and kissed my hand softly. I smiled. "Are you always this charming and devious?"
"Only for certain people."

      "Are you ready?" Hermione held up her wand to my hair.
      "Go for it." Hermione nodded and flicked her wand.
      "Crinus Muto!" She said confidentially and my hair curled and braided until it was a beautiful mess of curls. Hermione admired her work and nodded. "Beautiful." I smiled in the mirror.
      "Thank you 'Mione, it's stunning." I said and gave her a quick squeeze. She nodded and started working on her own. I started swiping makeup on my face until it looked nice and then zipped on my dress. I slid my feet into my pumps and stood up as Hermione emerges from the bathroom. We both gaped at each other. Hermione scoffed.
      "I think it's safe to say we both look amazing." She said giggling. I joined in and tugged her from our room. At the bottom of the stairs Viktor and Wayne stood talking. They snapped their heads towards us. Wayne locked eyes with me.
      "Y/n..." He said wistfully. I smiled and walked towards him. Viktor stood there smiling so big I thought his cheeks might break. Wayne took my hand and kissed the back of it and twirled me softly. "How lucky I am! Everyone will be staring at you darling." He said smiling at me.
      "You clean up alright too." I said and gave his hand a squeeze. "Thanks for ditching stuff for me." He nodded and turned to Viktor and Hermione. "Shall we?" Hermione and I looped our arms trough Viktor's and Wayne's and started towards the Great Hall. We talked a lot on the way there but I couldn't shake my mind of Draco. We got to the entrance and Hermione and Krum went in first. I peeked around them to see Ron staring at her solemnly. I turned to see everyone whispering about the couple as they walked down the stairs together. Wayne turned to me.
      "You nervous?" He whispered.
      "No why?" I said staring straight forward. He chuckled and raised his arms.
      "You're cutting my circulation off." He said and poked his elbow into my side. I smiled.
      "A little. I'm nervous about seeing everyone."
      "Why? All eyes will be on you."
      "Exactly." I stared down at my heels. He squeezed my arm with his.
      "You'll be amazing. No one can take their eyes off you long enough to whisper." I smiled.
      "Thank you."
      "Always." We strode through the entrance and everyone watched as we walked down the stairs. I squeezed Wayne's arm tightly.
      "Hey look at Ron's suit." He whispered. I giggled and looked to Wayne trying to avoid making a scene out of Ron. We reached the bottom before I knew it. "See? That wasn't so hard." I rolled my eyes as we made our way to stand beside Ron, Harry, and the Patil sisters.
      "You look very pretty y/n." Harry said politely as the Patil sisters nodded and smiled.
      "Thanks you guys." I looked to Ron who was staring at Hermione as she stared at Viktor. "Hey Waybe? Can you grab me a drink please?" I said smiling to Wayne.
      "Sure thing." He said as he left the group. I sat beside Ron and took his hand in mine. He shook out of his trance and stared at me.
      "Ron, you aren't getting anywhere staring at her." I said softly. He glanced at her then back to me.
      "I know. I just wish I wasn't such a coward." He said glaring at the floor.
      "It takes courage to put yourself out there you know. There's always time to ask her to dance."
      "I don't want to be that guy." He said in a hushed whisper. I stood up.
      "Wanna dance?" I held out my hand to him and he moved his eyes from the floor to my hand. He shrugged and stood up taking my hand in his. I smiled as we joined into the circle of dancers. We twirled to the upbeat song and eventually Ron's smile grew. We finished and walked back over to our little group.
      "That was brilliant." Harry said smiling at Ron. I curtsied and took my beverage from Wayne.
      "Thank you!" I said, sipping my drink.
      "Do I get the pleasure of a dance tonight?" He said smirking down at me. I chuckled.
      "Maybe once my feet stop hurting." He smiled softly.
      "Thank you..for being my date. This has been fun already." He said straightening his bow tie.
      "Always." I said mocking his tone. He shook his head. "I'll be back! I'm going to go check on Hermione!" I called as I dashed towards the couple. She smiled and squeezed me. Viktor smiled.
      "Y/n? No?" He said nodding his head towards me.
      "The one and only!" I said and waved. "How are you guys doing?"
      "Amazing! Me and Viktor were just talking about books! We were just about to go to the dance floor!" She said beaming at Viktor.
      "Well I'm ecstatic that you guys are having so much fun!" I said. "Well I'm going to go catch Wayne so we can dance! See you tonight!" Hermione waved and smiled at me as I left. I began walking to Wayne, he held his hand out.
      "Please m'lady, do me the pleasure of escorting you to the dance floor." He said smirking.
      "Very well!" I said taking his hand as he led me to the dance floor. We joined all the other couples as he placed his hands gently on the small of my back. I sat my hands on his shoulders and chuckled.
      "Enjoying this much?" I said quietly.
      "I mean it can't get more fun. Going to the Yule Ball with a pretty girl, dancing the night away, free food. What can get better?" He sighed.
      "I completely agree. Nothing can ruin this night." I said.

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