pansy : chapter 24

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Your POV:
      You smiled and tapped your quill against the side of your desk. tap tap tap tap. Someone kicked the back of your chair. You turned to see an annoyed Ron.
      "Bloody hell (y/n). You're so weird." He said mumbling and peered over at Hermione's answers. You gave him a taunting look and stuck your tongue out.
      "At least i'm not obsessed with my Potions partner." You said raising your eyebrows.
      "You get more and more like him every day. (Y/n) better watch out or you'll become little Malfoy." He giggled. Just then Snape slammed a book onto Ron's head. "What the h-" Ron turned around to say something and quickly turned back around, furiously scribbling. You snickered and Snape shot you a glare. You continued drawing on your parchment and looked around to see Pansy's chair was empty. You shrugged. Good riddance. You quickly glanced back at Ron who was fiddling with a note. You eyed it and saw him drop the note to the floor from his trembling fingers. You quickly glared over at the note.
      "Wingardium Leviosa!" You whispered quickly and guided the note to your pocket. Snape stood up abruptly.
      "Miss (l/n)." He said, his greasy hair floating over his eyes. You gulped.
      "Sir?" You said staring back at him with all the courage you had.
      "Sit in silence or you're going to cost your house points." He said glaring at you. You nodded and felt Ron's watch. You picked up your quill and started doodling on your parchment once more. After a few minutes had passed you got quite bored and raised your hand. Snape glanced up at your hand.
      "What." He said in a disgusted tone.
      "May I use the restroom?" You said shifting in your chair. He nodded and you got up quickly and walked to the bathroom. You stopped in your tracks as you heard light crying coming from a stall. You quietly walked in and knocked on the stall door. A small voice responded.
      "Yes?" She said.
      "Are you okay?" You said gently. The voice paused as if they were thinking really hard on how to respond.
      "Not really. Why do you care?" You took a step back. You knew that awful voice anywhere. The voice of Pansy.
      "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." You said quietly. The door swung open and Pansy stood there with mascara down her cheeks. Her back shook as she let out a few more sobs. You frowned and held your arms out for her. She looked you up and down them slowly fell into your arms.
      "I-I-I'm...s-so so...sor-rry." She said sobbing into your shoulder. You lightly put a hand on her back.
      "It's okay. What's wrong?" You said listening to her sob.
      "I asked Neville to the ball and even that twerp said no. NEVILLE! Of all people he should of said yes." She said crying and wiping her eyes. "A-and...i'm.." She got quiet. "I'm in love with Draco." She said staring right at you. You were taken aback and nodded.
      "I'm sorry." You said.
      "No you're not." She said glancing up at you through her wet hair.
      "What do you mean?" You said touching her arm tenderly. She jerked away.
      "You stole my Draco away. You got my Blaise in trouble. Now Crabbe and Goyle don't want to hang out with me because they love you." She started crying again. Her sons got quieter as the minutes passed. You stood there quietly while she held herself. She looked over at you in disgust. "You took everything from me. What am I supposed to do?" She quietly wiped her tears away. She took one more piercing glare at you and walked out. You stood there awkwardly taking in all she said. Did I really ruin her life? You rubbed your arm and looked at the floor. A few tears rolled down your cheeks but you wiped them away quickly and set back to going to class. You quietly walked down the hall when you suddenly tripped and hit the floor. You outstretched your leg and felt your bone snap as it took on all the weight from your body. You hit the ground hard and you felt someone lifting you up. The next moments were hazy.

(Hey guys sorry again that it's been a while since I wrote. I've been quite busy with my responsibilities! I really hoped you liked this little snipet. Much love <3)

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