Ron and Draco : chapter 27

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Your POV:
I looked over to Draco as we walked down the halls together. He smiled.
"What?" He said slyly.
"Nothing." I said smiling in return. "So, you said you wanted to talk to me about something?"
"Oh right. Well..." He said looking away. I took his hand in mine and gave it a small squeeze. "Well so recently my father has...he's been pressuring me." He said and locked eyes with mine.
"You can tell me anything Draco." I turned his face to face me and rubbed my thumb along his cheek. He gave me a sad look and put a hand around my back, pulling me close to him.
      "Well my father has been pressuring me to bring you home. I wanted to see if you would over christmas break." He said smiling.
      "Of course!" I kissed him softly and pulled him to a bench so we could sit and watch the lake. He sat down and pulled me close to sit beside him as he put an arm behind me. I lied my head on his shoulder. He looked out at the lake thinking. "Are you sure you're okay?" I said toying with his fingers. He looked over at me.
      "Of course princess. My mind is just crowded." He said and got up from the bench. He took my hands in his and pulled me to the bank of the lake.
      "What do you have going on up there sweet boy?" I said staring at him.
      "How to ask you properly." He said staring at the grass.
      "What do you mean?" I said quietly.
      "I wanted to ask you properly if you'd go to the Yule Ball with me but I have no idea how." He said. I watched his mouth twitch. He shuddered and some tears fell onto my hands. I inhaled.
      "Hey hey hey! Look, hold that thought." I tugged his hand and took the short cut to the astronomy tower and ran as fast as I could. I pulled Draco in and shut the door. He looked at me with his red and swollen eyes.
      "Just leave me alone." He said giving me a hateful glare.
      "I'm not going to. What's going on?" I said putting a hand to his cheek.
      "It's not like you care." He said and turned, walking up the stairs. I followed him.
      "Why would you say that? I do care! I'm the only one who's been here for you." I said grabbing his hand.
      "Because you can have any other guy you want and you choose me!" He said ripping his hand from my grasp.
      "Stop shutting me out and help me help you!" I said running in front of him.
      "You don't understand!" He screamed.
      "I hate you." He whispered. I stood still, stunned by his words. There was a thick silence that fell between us.
      "I-I'm sorry you feel that way." I said, backing up. I stared at him and turned, running down the stairs. I held back tears. I refused to let him see me cry. I could hear him kick something as it clattered against the floor. I ran to the common room and slammed my door shut. After a while of my crying on my bed I heard a soft knock. I got up and opened the door to Ron.
      "Hey.." I said quietly, wiping my eyes.
      "Hey.." He said and pushed a rose into my hands. I stared at him.
      "Uhm?" I said staring at the rose.
      "I'm sorry. I know i've treated you awfully it's just hard for me to see you with him because i've seen him mistreat so many people. I didn't want to say anything and make you think differently of him I just didn't want you to have to go through the awful way he treats some people." He said and shoved his hands into his pockets. I threw my arms around his neck and wrapped him in a hug.
      "Thank you." I whispered into his ear.
      "Mates again?" He said and hugged me back.
      "Mates again."

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