the yule ball : chapter 30

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   Wayne pulled me close as we swayed to the soft music. I stared at my feet intensely making sure I didn't make a wrong step. Wayne chuckled.
      "Everything alright?" He whispered. I nodded.
      "I'm just nervous I'm going to step on your feet." I said giving him a warm smile. He caught his breath softly and stared at me. "What.."
      "Shall we exit to the hallway?" He said softly. I raised a brow.
       "What for?" I said.
       "I want to show you something."  He took my hand in his and led me out to the hallway in a abandoned corner. He leaned against the wall and moved my hips so I was in front of him.
      "So..what's up?" I asked.
      "So, I know this is like a long shot and stuff.." He said gently.
      "But, well, what I want you to know is.."
      "I like you. A lot. I want to ask you, formally, to maybe start hanging out with me more." He said looking down at me.
      "I know. You're still doing, whatever it is you're doing, with Draco. All I'm asking is that you give me a chance. (Y/n), I've seen the way he treats you. Do you really think love is what you have with him? Getting hurt all the time, not getting treated like the amazing woman you are? I can give you all that and more if you'd just, give me the chance." I stood there frozen. I processed his words and thought to myself. Was what he was saying true? Did I really know what love was or had I just grown to love the scraps I was given. I looked at him. He was handsome, strong, put together. Everything I've ever wanted. So I did what I wanted to. I didn't worry about anyone seeing, I didn't worry about Draco, I worried about what I would miss in life if I didn't go out of my comfort zone. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him down so he was inches away from my breath. He stared into my eyes.
      "Yes." I pressed my lips to his and slipped my fingers through his hair. He hesitated for a second and wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me up to him. He smiled softly and gently kissed me, and I kissed him back.
      "What are you doing." Rang a low voice. I pulled away from Wayne and turned to see Draco.
      "Kissing Wayne."
      "You really think this is some game don't you?" Draco snipped. Wayne tightened his grip on my waist. Draco's eyes flicked to his arm around me.
      "Leave us alone Draco." Wayne said.
      "Or what pretty boy." Draco stalked towards us. Wayne pulled me closer.
      "Or I'll make you." He said harshly.
      "Long enough to let your arm ornament slip away?" He said shooting a dirty glare at me. I started to walk towards him but Wayne caught my hand.
      "Darling he's not worth it." Wayne whispered. I turned around as Wayne ran a hand up and down my back.
      "That's what I thought. Always running from your problems." He scoffed. Wayne whipped around and planted his fist into the side of Draco's face. Draco stumbled back and smiled. "Idiot." Draco lunged forward and threw his own punch at Wayne's nose. Wayne started thrusting his fists into any part of Draco he could find. I stumbled back.
      "HEY! Draco! Stop! Wayne!" I screamed at them. Draco flipped over, on top of Wayne, and started landing one punch after the other. I gasped. Wayne was taking the punches as his hair shook violently. I screamed and ran after Draco. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled hard as his arms shook me violently. "DRACO! DRACO STOP!" I screamed tugging with all my might. Some students started to crowd around us. I looked up to catch Hermione's face twisting as she turned to get an adult. I closed my eyes and pulled Draco with all I had. He turned and thrust his elbow into my jaw. It sent me tumbling and I hit my head against the cold floor of the hallway. I opened my eyes to see Draco looking over his shoulder at me, sorrow filling his eyes. I tried to life my head up but couldn't. He kept his eyes on me as Hagrid came barreling through tugging him off of Wayne easily. I closed my eyes quickly.

      I woke up to see the familiar infirmary. How I wished I could stay out of here more often.
      "(Y/n)? Are you awake?" I looked up to see Wayne sleeping alongside a concerned Ron and Hermione.
      "Yeah, yeah. I'm awake, what's Wayne doing in here?" I sat up. Big mistake. My head swirled and pounded as I rushed over to Wayne. I brushed his hair away from his eyes softly. His eyes flickered open and he smiled.
      "Hey baby." He chuckled. His eyes suddenly swelled with worry. "Heyyy, what're you doing up out of bed?!" He scooped me up and put me down on the bed.
      "I'm fine!" I said laughing.
      "Then all is well." He said kissing my forehead.

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