time flies : chapter 5

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Time Skip to Later on in First Year.

You and Draco havent talked much at all since the writing of his letter. You still gave each other glares. You were curious if that was really Draco or if he was just....complicated? You frowned at the thought of the end of this year with Christmas quickly approaching. You were a fairly good student skilled at Transfiguration. You packed up your quills and scrolls early and headed to your room when a cry could be heard. You rushed to the Library and saw a poor squirming child being held up by Draco's hand against the wall. Blaise and Crabbe laughing up a storm. You marched over and spun Draco around. "WHY YOU!" You started. Blaise chuckled. "Awh look Draco your girlfriends here to keep you out of trouble." He said laughing. Your face crinkled in fury and next thing you knew your fist was plunged into Zabini's face. You shook your hand out and helped the kid down shoving Draco out of the way. You picked up the kids books and handed to them. He smiled and rushed away. "You two are heartless bullies! Did he seriously do anything to you!" You screamed at the pair and marched off your head held high. Draco watched you leave just a frown on his face. You walked to your next class and sat down and started working straight away. After a while Professor Dumbledore came in and walked to your desk. "Miss (y/l/n). May we have a word?" He said kindly and you nodded following him to his office. Great Zabini and Draco ratted me out! You thought glaring at the two in your mind. He sat you down. "So, I understand you yelled at Mr. Zabini and punched him?" He said his eyes twinkling. You nodded proudly. "So my issue is, I wouldn't have such a problem with a third and above year but you have to understand, you are a first year Miss (y/l/n) so your records will either have printed "student assault and violence" on it or I can place you in special tutoring for two years until we can excuse this behavior..." he said sighing greatly. "So you're suspending me?" You said calmly. He nodded. "I understand just make sure they don't go bully another kid please Professor." You said and got up going outside the office. You thought of your friends you had made and spending Christmas in special tutoring. Your eyes watered and you angrily went to the common room packing your stuff.

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