draco's friends : chapter 10

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Your POV:

You wrapped your scarf around your mouth gently and tugged on the doors of a small cafe in Hogsmeade. You went and sat at a table and ordered a hot chocolate quickly. The waitress nodded and went to go get it. Draco entered silently and sat beside you quickly and smiled a little. "Hey" you smiled in return. He nodded and took a look at the menu. Crabbe and Goyle stumbled in and sat across from you and Draco. Crabbe rolled his eyes. "Why do we keep having to hang out with her?" Crabbe snarled. "Because she's my!- friend.." Draco replied gently. "I don't mind" Goyle smiled. You nodded your thanks to him as the waitress slid you your hot chocolate hastily making some spill on the table and she shot you a small glare. She turned to Draco and smiled flirtatiously and leaned near Draco. He only raised his eyebrow at her and slid closer to you.  "And what would you like?" She said eyeing Draco. "For you to stop flirting and do your job" You said coldly and slid your menu to the waitress. "Well stay out of me and his conversation! I don't see you have a girlfriend." She said turning to Draco again. "First off she can be in as many of my conversations as she wants. And second..." he said wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer to him. "She's my girlfriend" he said smirking an evil smirk. She gave a hurt puppy look and teared up a little and sneered. "What do you want." She asked again. "A hot chocolate for me and I want your most expensive dessert for my girlfriend." He said smiling down at you. She shook her head and dotted it down. She snatched the other boy's menus and turned on her heel. Crabbe frowned. "I wanted to order something." You stared at Draco's arm. "Uh Draco you can let go of me now" you said looking up at him and smiling. "I'm okay you are my girlfriend after all right?" He teased. You blushed and scooted away from him. "Oh my gosh can you guys just get together already?" Goyle said crossing his arms. We both have him a questioning look. "Draco you literally are only nice to her and ramble on about her to me and Crabbe. Then (y/n) you just light up and smile so much with Draco it's obvious y'all both love each other!" He sighed. You sighed and turned to Draco and made a gesture you wanted to get out and he moved walking from the cafe to outside. You followed him quickly. He grabbed your hand and dragged you down an alley. He turned and stared down at you. He sighed and rolled on his feet. "(Y/N) I've been crazy about you since year one. I hate emotions but you make me love my emotions! I love you. Please be my girlfriend." He stated and looked at you. You smiled and hugged him quickly. "I will" You smiled and kissed him quickly. You wrapped your scarf around your mouth and walked away to Hogwarts quickly.

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