FORTY TWO - Safe And Sound

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Cressida leads us through the empty streets, she said she knew a place where we could crash for the night. Somewhere safe, somewhere dry and warm. It sounds so appealing to all of us at the moment, causing the remaining six of us to hurry much faster then needed.

We finally arrive at what appears to be an abandoned store front, a clothes store by the displayed mannequins out front. A clothes store of clothes only made with furs.  

The Capitol people have strange ideas about what is fashionable, in my opinion. But then again, fashion wasn't our main priority in Twelve.

I hold (Y/n) close to me, she's soaking wet from underground, and shaking in the cool night air. But she's alive, and that's all that matters.

Cressida knocks on the door to the store at last, Katniss keeps watch behind us with her bow drawn. Everyone is a bit shaken up, the grief in the air is almost malleable. But we've almost won this war, our friends will not die in vain.

The door is answered rather quickly, by the strangest woman I have ever seen.

I thought Effie was odd looking, as least her body modifications aren't permanent.

This woman has tattooed stripes all over her sickly sallow skin, and even whiskers coming out of her face. She wears a large fur cloak, and her hair is tied back in a harsh slicked bun. Even her eyes appear more feline then human.

"Tigris, we need to hide somewhere." Cressida begs, she must know her. "Can you help us, just for he night?"

The strange woman, Tigris, complies. She opens the door to her shop wide, ushering us in. "You will be safe in the cellar. There is lots of fur blankets and robes, and a store of food for you all to share."

Her generosity is comforting, it's nice to know not all Capitol people are bad, I doubt Coin will see such things though.

I thank her on my way by, then bring (Y/n) down the cellar stairs first, Peeta close behind. The others stay back to talk to Tigris for a moment about our possible plan, but the three of us just want to get comfortable and to sleep. 

Our minds are much to exhausted for anything else.

At first it's unnerving being underground again after being under the city. It feels suffocating, but then it is fine. This place is nothing like the underground tunnels of the city, this cellar is actually warm and cozy. Racks of fur line the walls, strewn around the floor is even more furs. There's a cabinet with non-perishables, and even a tiny bathroom with a small sink.

"Here, Peeta." (Y/n) offers, taking his bound hands. The first time she's talked since reaching fresh air. "I'll clean up those wounds for you." The cuffs he is wearing have dug into his flesh, leaving crusted blood and raw abrasions. 

She shrugs out of my grip lightly, and I take a seat as I watch her work. In this moment, she doesn't need my help. She grabs the first aid kit in my pack, then gently tries to take the cuffs off Peeta-- so gently she could be a healer if she wanted to. 

"No, leave them on." Peeta snaps, pulling his hands to his chest. For a moment I fear he may become violent, so I stand, but his ice eyes soften to water a second later. "I don't want to hurt you." He's afraid of hurting his best friend too.

So, (Y/n) goes about cleaning his wounds around the cuffs. Gently wiping them antiseptic, causing Peeta to wince. "Sorry." She mutters.

"It's alright." Peeta hisses, teeth clenched.

She bandages his wrists underneath their bindings, now they won't rub and irritate them further. 

The way they look at each other, you can tell they love each other so dearly. It would make me jealous if I didn't know it is only a familial love, they're practically brother and sister. They've lost so much together, and share so much grief, they say all their sorrys to each other with a simple squeeze of the hand. 

Platonic soulmates for life. 

Then (Y/n) is with me again, settling down on a pile of fur blankets beside me. 

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask her in a whisper, everyone else is down here now digging into dried meat, crackers, and canned fruit. We're pushed over in a corner more, away from their planning, away from prying ears and yapping mouths. 

She shakes her head, eyes fluttering closed. "I just want to sleep."

So I pull a large thick fur blanket over her, tucking it around to keep her warm. "Then sleep, darling." My voice is barely audible as I kiss her forehead. By her deep breaths she already is in a deep peaceful slumber, finally safe and sound-- from physical demons at least.

(Y/n) subconsciously snuggles closer to my side in her sleep, seeking my warmth always. I welcome the close contact, her touch comforting.

I listen to the other's talking from a distance, staying beside (Y/n), brushing my fingers through her hair. Katniss is apologizing to them, she's feels it's her fault that so many perished.

"I'm sorry, there was no secret mission from Coin." She says, voice cracking with emotion. 

Cressida rests a hand on her shoulder, smiling softly. "We knew that, but we still followed you because we trust you Katniss. We were, and still are, willing to risk our lives for your cause." 

And then Cressida, Pollux, and Katniss go to bed, and It's just Peeta and I awake. He's bound to a post that runs to the ceiling, closer to (Y/n) and I then the rest. He looks a bit uncomfortable, but when I offer to uncuff him he declines. I grab him some water instead, and help him drink it.

Peeta looks over at Katniss with a tender look in his eyes. "How did you know you loved (Y/n)?" He asks, his voice low.

That's an easy question, one I answer rather quickly. "I just knew." I say, looking to the girl I adore. "I knew by the way my heart fluttered around her, the way her look alone made me weak in the knees. How her smile would make me blush, and her touch would make my blood rush. I knew I was in love long before I could ever admit it." I tell him, much more then I would tell anyone else-- but I trust Peeta now.

He looks over at her too, then to me. "You really love her that much?"

I nod, settling down beside her again. "I even proposed to her last night, we're going to get married one day after all this is over."

Peeta grins, a genuine beaming grin. "Congratulations, man. She's a wonderful person, I know she loves you just as much."

She is a wonderful person, the most amazing person I've ever met. A princess that's somehow fallen for a commoner like me, an angel come to earth, a goddess stripped of immortality, Twelve's nightingale-- and she's mine always and forever, and I hers.

"Goodnight, Peeta." I say, laying down beside my love. 

"Goodnight." He mutters, turning away.

I wrap my arms around (Y/n), pulling her to my chest, she unconsciously moves in even closer to me. I kiss the top of her head, and in the darkness of the cellar whisper. "I love you." And then I sleep, with (Y/n) curled up in my arms, safe and sound. 


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