FORTY THREE - The Last Stand

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This is it, the final day of the Rebellion. We will win or die trying, there is no other option.

The sun has just risen as we are getting ready, it peaks through the windows through rows of clothes as we eat a quick breakfast up in the main store out of the cellar. The streets are bare outside, it seems everyone has already been evacuated to the center of town.

The rebels have the Capitol surrounded now, there is no way we can lose now.

"So, Gale and I will be going to the center of the city, disguised as refugees." Katniss explains the plan they came up with last night while I was sleeping. "We'll try to get into Snow's mansion, while you all stay here safe until it's all over."

I scoff, they all turn to look at me. "I'm going to, I know this city and Snow's mansion like the back of my hand. You need me."

Gale clutches my hand. "Come on, (Y/n)." He pleads. "You'll be safe here, out of harms way."

I snatch my hand out of his hold, suddenley furious. "You think I'm just going to sit here while you go out there and risk your lives!? I want justice too Gale! I want to see that sick bastard pay even more then you could ever imagine!"

Snow killed my family, one of my closest friends, an innocent man only last night, and many other innocent lives that got caught in the crossfire of this battle. He tutored me, broke my spirit, made me kill for him at any cost-- I want to see him pay the most of us all.

Gale and I have a silent stare off as the others awkwardly stand around us. Gale thinks I'll back down, he should know better. 

Finally, he sighs, and hands me a hand gun. "Fine, you're in too. But at least take this, it will be easier to carry then your rifle."

"Alright then." Katniss gives me a soft smile, she knew we had to finish this together. "We only got one shot at this."

I smile too, testing the weight of the gun. "Then let's make it count."

"You two just have to promise me." Gale says, suddenley serious. "That if I'm being taken by the Capitol, that you kill me. I don't want to be one of their pawns."

Katniss and I promise, though I have no intention of doing so. I would die fighting to get him back, I will never let them take him away from me again.


Gale, Katniss and I walk down the main street of the Capitol, flooding with the rest of the refugees. We wear large cloaks of velvet and fur, allowing us to blend in with the unusual fashion of the city.  Hoods up and heads bowed, we avoid being recognized by onlookers. 

Our posters are everywhere, plastered on every wall and screen. If someone recognized us, we'd be dead for sure. 

"We should split up, we won't be getting through this crowd if al of us are bunched together." Katniss suggests, then breaks off on her own after Gale gives her a silent nod.

I turn to Gale, looking up at him. "Should we split up too? We can meet at the mansion gates."

"No." He answers quickly, linking his arm with my own. "We look like a couple fleeing with the rest of the refugees, the perfect disguise."

I roll my eyes at him with a grin as we continue walking, arms still linked. "It's almost like that's exactly what we are."

Gale shakes his head. "No, I mean a Capitol couple. Like we're rich and fleeing our stately apartment with only our finest cloaks, thinking this war could never effect our perfect lives." 

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