FORTY EIGHT - Happily Ever After At Last

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My heart beats as fast as if there is a songbird trapped in my chest, my fingers tap my thighs as restlessly as a drummer's do. I fiddle with the pins Effie makes me hold while she twists up my hair diligently. 

I'm extremely nervous, swarms of butterflies take residence in my gut, but this is what I've wanted for so long. The demons have finally receded a bit, and it is time to take this next leap.

Effie, who stands behind me, has given up her wigs and stark makeup for a new her. I must say I like this version of her better. 

She's still over the top about everything, but I wouldn't expect anything less. Her voice still carries the ring of Capitol speech, which I don't think she will ever lose, and she's still particular about her clothes and overall appearance.

But now, she chooses to show off of her natural strawberry blonde hair instead. It makes her bright blue eyes pop, like two twin oceans or two perfect skies. She's just starting to sport a few streaks of silver, but she still looks stunning regardless. 

She is showcasing her born ivory skin today, in a beautiful floral dress that goes to her knees. It's simple, nothing like I've ever seen her in, but it is the most happy I have ever seen her.

Effie puts the last pin in my hair, then rests her hands on my shoulders with misty smile. "Look at you!" She coos, voice like a song. "I've never seen a more beautiful bride!" She's become sort of a mother figure for me in the past year, and I'm forever thankful for her help with my dad.

"I could never ask for a more perfect daughter-in-law!" Hazelle joins in Effie's gushing, my other mother figure on my other side.

I take in my appearance with a smile, the two women have eased a bit of my nerves. I still feel like me despite the get up, Effie did well. 

My hair is twisted back into a lovely up do, it's a bit loose, a few pieces of hair hang to frame my face, wild flowers bloom woven into it. As for my face, there is barely any makeup, just a bit of shimmer on my eyelids, mascara, and soft pink on my lips. The natural flush of my cheeks seems especially prominent today, my smile today is the brightest it's been in a very long time.

The dress I wear is all lace, ivory, and timeless. Thin straps of lace on my shoulders droop to a tasteful neckline, the bodice hugs my waist until it flares out elegantly at my hips to kiss the ground and the tips of my white flats, covering the steel braces that hold my legs upright. 

My favourite part about my attire is the ring I wear. The diamond set on the intricate gold band seems to shine especially bright today, as if it too knows I'm about to marry the love of my life. 

"Thank you both, for everything." I hug them one at a time, smiling bashfully. I could have never done this without them.

There's a soft knock on the tent post then, we've set up a spot to get ready on the edge of the meadow where the ceremony will be held. 

"Who is it?" Effie calls in a sing song voice.

"If it's you again Gale, I'll kick your ass." Hazelle says too, sweetly. "I don't care if you're a grown man." Gale had already tried to see me three times that morning, regardless of knowing it's bad luck. He just couldn't wait to be with me again.

"It's just me." My dad pokes his head through the opening of the tent with a smile, before his eyes widen in teary disbelief. "Wow kiddo, you look absolutely beautiful." He approaches me and squeezes' my hands, leaving a kiss on my forehead.

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