FOURTEEN - There's Always A Catch

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I duck under the fence like I had been been doing quite often this past week, and enter the forest outside of district Twelve. I know right where I'll find him, the same spot he always goes for refuge.

I quietly make my way through the woods, my footsteps barely making a sound, save for the small twigs that snap occasionally. 

His mom said he went hunting, confirming my suspicions before I left town.

And there he is, I finally spot him. Strong back towards me, tussled hair rustling in the slight breeze, arms tensing and flexing as he aim a bow through the thick foliage ahead.

I approach him, my footsteps now making absolutely no sound. Perfect for sneaking. And I reach out when I'm right beside him-- and tickle his sides.

His arms jerk at my touch, and the arrow flies with a twang. It hits the nearest tree as he drops the bow and spins around, eyes wild, ready to swing his fist.

I laugh at his shocked expression, and he relaxes when he realizes it's just me. And I continue laughing breathlessly, as Gale rolls his eyes.

"You done there?" He asks picking up the bow, putting it and the quiver away at last.

I take a deep breath, through my fit of giggles I speak. "Yes, I'm done now. You should have seen your face though!" I burst into laughter once more. 

Gale rolls his eyes again, then smirks mischievously suddenley. He grabs me around my waist firmly, and throws me over his shoulder in one swift move.

I gasp. "Put me down!" I exclaim, hitting his back half-heartedly all while now upside down.

"Nope." He says, I can tell he's grinning. And he continues walking towards the meadow, spinning occasionally as I clutch on to his back for dear life.

I close my eyes as he spins again, my stomach flipping. The whole experience entirely nauseating. But thankfully, he finally sets me on the ground, in the tall grass of the meadow.

I try to sit up from my laying position under him, but Gale begins to tickle me relentlessly.

I laugh again, more erratic this time. I try to fend him off, but he's stronger than me-- and I'm extremely ticklish. I laugh until I can't breathe, and he finally stops the torture of tickling, lying beside me breathlessly.

It feels good to laugh so insanely. It feels good to lie here with Gale, just the two of us.

I stare up at the passing clouds in the bright blue sky, and we just lie there forever it seems, until Gale turns

He props hid head up on his elbow, to look at me with those lovely eyes. "I thought you looked beautiful the other day, by the way." He says, and his brilliant grey eyes lock with mine.

My face heats up at his words. "Thank you." I mumble sitting up so our faces are level.

He continues, just as charming as ever. "For the record though, I think you look even more gorgeous now." He tucks a strand of my wild hair behind my ear, so close in proximity.

I hated the way I looked when I left the house only half an hour before, but he looks at me just the way Delly had described. I'm wearing cut off jean shorts, and a camisole of my favourite colour. My hair tumbles down around my face, bits of grass and some leaves in it. Not even spot of that ridiculous lipstick on my bare face.

What I look like today is a stark contrast to what I wore the other day, but Gale likes me better like this. Not in some fancy Capital get up, but purely me. I like him better like this too, fearless hunter Gale as apposed to fancy dressed up Gale.

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