FORTY SIX - The Blood Of Justice

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It is finally the day that's been plotted for years by the rebellion-- the day of Snow's execution. This is a day that will go down in history, and I'm requested to sit at the very front of it all.

That's why I stand here, as Effie pulls a top over my head, preparing for the main event of this afternoon. She leans down a moment to brush a scuff mark off the matching flats I wear, and I finally take in my appearance.

The top I wear is made of silky cream coloured satin, pleated along the torso. It flares out a tiny bit from my waist to my hips, but otherwise it's flush to my skin. The neckline dips elegantly, but not too much, sleeves long to my wrists.

The pants that adorn my legs match, hugging my futile limbs. My braces shine silver over them, locking my knees to support my weight. Matching cream flats cover my feet as well.

I trail my hands down to my lower belly, staring at the point in the mirror. Unbeknownst to me, I had a child growing in there a week ago. And even though I didn't know, now I feel empty.

There's a gaping hole both where my heart and unborn child should be-- both will never return-- but my mind for once is as clear as day.

Justice will be served today, for all our losses and sacrifices, too many to count it seems. There is one loss Snow's death won't bring satisfaction to in my soul-- Gale, who's still alive, but farther away then ever.

I feel a sense of homesickness in his absence, but I must push on. If he isn't here to help me heal, I must do it my self.

But it's so hard.

Effie slips a coat over my shoulders next. It goes down to my knees, buttoning once at the waist. The collar is low, just below the neckline if the cream top. The fabric is a soft velvet of dark green, I like it despite it's obvious Capitol-ish appearance.

She helps me sit down gently with a firm arm then, assisting me without a fuss. I've grown rather fond of Effie even though I only met her a few days ago, I secretly suspect her and my dad have a thing going on between the two of them.

"Look at you!" She coos, her Capitol accent thicker than most, but ever so kind. "Don't you just look ravishing!?" She grins behind me, her hands on my shoulders.

Sure, my makeup is done, gold eyeliner, mascara, lips a pouting blood red. My hair is styled to perfection, subtle waves framing my face, a couple prices twisted back behind my head. But I feel anything but it.

I frown, grumbling under my breath. "I don't feel ravishing."

Effie sighs as her eyes soften. "You have so many people here for you, to help you get through this." She squeezes my shoulders affectionately. "You can do this, you are so strong."

That reassures me a bit.

My dad and Katniss walk in the room then, Katniss is set to get ready next.

My dad grins at me, spreading his arms wide. "Look at you!"

I smile too, a lopsided, wincing smirk. "Effie did a good job, didn't she?"

"Can I talk to you a minute?" Katniss requests of me, looking a little antsy. She clutches something in her hand, bouncing foot to foot.

I nod, and the two of us go off to a secluded corner of the room. I didn't think she was too impressed with me after yesterday, but maybe that's why she wants to talk about.

Katniss looks at her feet, fiddling with whatever is in her hands. "Listen, about yesterday, you're right."

I look up at her, shocked. This was not what I expected.

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