TWENTY NINE - Fire is a Cruel Thing

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The entirety of District Twelve has gathered around the big screen in the town square, we all hold our breaths as the final minutes of the games tick down.

We watch, waiting, most not knowing that this is the final night.

Katniss and Peeta's group has a plan to fry the beach and everyone on it. We're anxious to see if it works, anxious to see if our Victor's will come home. I'm the only one in the crowd who knows that the games will end tonight regardless of whether or not their plan works.

Gale stands behind me, with his arms wrapped around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder. We've been standing here for hours, my feet are getting sore.

"It's got to end soon." He says hopefully. "They'll figure it out, it'll end in their favour."

He's been telling himself things like this all day.

I place my hands on his. "Just watch, trust me."

Gale eyes me strangely, but doesn't question. He already knows I know more than I'm saying, but he trusts me.

As we watch the victor-tributes on screen, waiting for the final moments until midnight, I think about my parents at home. They're probably snuggled up in bed, avoiding all the screens in the house. The end of the games is a rather emotional time for my mother.

I wish I was there for her right now.

I think about my dad, Haymitch, who must be getting ready with whatever elusive rebels from Thirteen. Perhaps even with Plutarch Heavensbee and Thirteen's president, it's insane to think there is another president in Panem. Hopefully they are better than Snow.

Then I think of my friends, Noah and Delly. They're at the bakery I think, or maybe somewhere in the dense crowd. And then my other friends, Katniss ad Peeta, who are fighting for their lives in the arena as we watch.

And then there is the man I love, who's heart beat thrums steadily behind me.

What if this is the last time I see any of them? What if I never see them again?

Snow could get peacekeepers to take me in the dead of night, no one would notice until morning, and by then I would already be a cold corpse.

I shudder at the thought, all the devices of torture they would use on me first, to extract the secrets my father confided in me.

"Any moment now." Gale whispers in my ear, making me shudder again. He kisses my cheek softly in response. "You've been antsy all day, what's up?"

He got me. I can't keep anything from him.

I turn towards him, meeting his intense grey gaze. "This time, I can't tell you Gale." I say softly.

"Why not?" He pleads. "I want to help if I can."

I stand on my tiptoes to kiss his lips, I know he would, that's the problem. "Not just yet, but you'll find out soon enough."

The trusting look in his eyes assures me he won't push further, so I turn back to the screen with his hand in mine.

"Just promise me you'll stay safe." Gale's voice is barely audible, he knows the severity of the situation at least.

I squeeze his hand in response. Of course, but I'm more concerned that you are safe.

Katniss and Peeta get separated, there's an intense battle between a few of the tributes, Katniss takes the wire from the tree and wraps it around an arrow.

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