FIVE - My Hope

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(Y/n) walks me home after eating dinner and watching the parade, the sun just starts to set once more, though it was dark on screen in the Capitol.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about the whole servant thing bothering you." She begins, looking into my eyes, pausing in the street a moment. "It disgusts me, actually, that we have servants and there are people starving in the Seam."

We begin to walk again, eyes forward. "It's ok, it's not your fault." I tell her, and it truly isn't. it's just the way the cruel world works. Besides I'm sure the servants are jut people from the Seam, payed more generously than I am for work. 

She takes my hands regardless of my insistence, stopping on the side of the street once more. Her eyes search mine again, practically piercing in my soul. "Are you actually ok?" I open my mouth to answer, but she cuts me off sternly. "And don't lie to me."

There's no backing out of this one.

I feel tears start to form in my eyes. I told myself I wouldn't break down, but it's too late for that. And even though I've only been friends with her for merely fourty-two hours, I feel like I can tell (y/n) everything.

"I promised Katniss I would take care of her family, but I need to take care of mine too." Tears slip down my face as (y/n) still clutches my hands. "And I'll be starting work soon too, I'm almost nineteen. And The mines aren't the safest place." I continue, body heaving. "I feel like I'm being buried alive in all of this responsibility." I say, it's all too much.

(Y/n) pulls me in and lets me cry on her shoulder while she rubs my back tenderly. "Hey, we've got each other, right? I can help out more, with the Everdeens, with your family even." She tells me, voice rumbling through her body that I lean against, wanting to help in every way she can.

"No, it's fine really, I'm ok." I say, pulling away quickly. I don't need (y/n) to get overwhelmed too. I can manage just fine, I'll have to. 

"No you're not." (Y/n) grabs my hands again, making me face her. "From now on, we have to promise each other we'll tell each other everything alright. Promise?" Her face is serious, stern. 

"Promise." I assure her smiling lightly.

"Good. No more secrets." She states, we walk the rest of the way to my house without saying a word, hands still intertwined, the warm evening air surrounds us comfortingly.

"Goodnight." I say at last, and start walking to the door. Where my family is probably already getting ready for bed.

"Goodnight, Gale." (Y/n) intercepts, pecking my cheek quickly, she turns around just as fast to walk back to her home in the nicer part of Twelve.

I blush a deep shade of scarlet at her simple action, and watch her walk down the road in her yellow dress until she is out of sight.

As I sleep tonight, the only thing I can think about is (y/n).

She is my hope in this dark cruel world, my light in the darkness for now, the only one I have to lean on at the moment. We are each other's hope within this chaotic time, and that's all I can ever ask for.



"Good morning." I chirp as I spot Gale descending the stairs into the kitchen, where I am currently making breakfast for his siblings.

He blinks a minute, finally noticing me, looking very perplexed in his wrinkled pajamas. "What are you doing here?" He asks, surprised, but pleased.

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