TWENTY SIX - The 75th Reaping

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The day of the reaping comes when finally, spring turns to summer. In other words, much too soon.

Of course, it isn't a usual reaping, instead of standing separated by age group and gender, we all mingle together in front of the stage.

There are only three Victor's to choose from in Twelve which means Katniss will be going back into the arena for sure, and the male tribute will be between my dad or Peeta.

My opinion on the latter two options is conflicted. Peeta is one of my best friends, and I know if my dad's name is called he'll volunteer for him so he can go with Katniss. And I know my father will volunteer for Peeta in a heartbeat, in fact I know he's already promised this to Katniss whom he loves almost as much as me.

Their agreement is that if Peeta's name is reaped, he'll volunteer in his place.

This is the reason our goodbye was a very heartfelt one this morning, I just got my dad back, and now he might be taken away from me again-- forever.

Finally, the victors make their way to stand on the stage, escorted by heavily armed peacekeepers, as if they may make a run for it. By the look on their faces, I don't doubt that.

 Gale's arm around my waist tightens in the slightest at the sight of the guns, and I welcome his closeness both for comfort and safety.

The two of us stand at the front of the crowd along with Mrs. Everdeen, Prim, and the Mellarks. Noah stands on my other side, him and Gale have actually gotten rather close these past few weeks, for which I'm thankful-- and a tiny bit weirded out about.

Effie Trinket steps towards the microphone at last, silencing the last murmurs of the crowd.

This year she wears a dress covered in butterflies complete with a matching wig, but unlike most years, this year she doesn't wear her dazzling smile.

"Welcome, welcome." She says in her posh Capitol accent. "As we celebrate the 75th anniversary and 3rd Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games. As always..." Effie turns towards Katniss for a quarter of a second, with tears in her eyes. "Ladies first."

She trembles as she reaches around for the only slip of paper in the reaping bowl, she must really love these kids.

"The female tribute from District Twelve..." She unfolds the paper, already knowing what's going to be on it. "Katniss Everdeen."

A single tear falls down Katniss's face at this, too strong now to sob, she steps closer to Effie.

God, this is really happening. Tears well in my eyes too.

"Wonderful!" Effie exclaims, rather phonily. She's just keeping up the act for the Capitol at this point. She's hurting just as much as I. "And now for the men."

My heart seems to stop in my chest as Effie reaches into the bowl, she picks a single slip from the two to choose from, and I stop breathing.

She returns to the microphone after composing herself again, and unfolds the paper rather slowly.

My eyes meet my dad's, he gives me a reassuring nod, though it does anything but reassure me. My mom and my other dad, Jack, both give me a small smile from their own spot on the stage in the mayor's section. My mother is actually present this year.

I don't know who I would miss more if they went back in that arena, Peeta or Haymitch. I wish they would just cancel the stupid Hunger Games.

"The male tribute from District Twelve." Effie finally says.

This is it, I hold my breath in anticipation.

Effie breathes out, face white as a sheet. "Haymitch Abernathy."

I let out a little whimper at this. Either way it could have gone, I will be losing another important person in my life. My legs feel like they might give out under me, Gale holds me firm.

"I volunteer as tribute." Peeta steps up calmly and instantly. I don't know whether to be relived or even more sad.

"I can't let you do that." My dad tries to stop him, holding Peeta back

"You can't stop me." Peeta pushes past him and takes his spot on the other side of Effie. He's not wrong, after someone volunteers, no one can stop them-- it's a binding contract.

"Very well." Effie says, clearly distraught but trying to keep up her image. "The tributes from District Twelve! Katniss Everdeen, and Peeta Mellark." She gestures to the two of them sadly.

A silence falls over the crowd, Effie tries to push past it. "Well, all that remains..." But she trails off at the sudden interruption.

I step forward half a foot, kiss the first three fingers on my left hand and thrust them skyward like I did before. And like wildfire, the gesture spreads around the crowd until even Katniss and Peeta are copying it on the stage.

Snow won't like this one bit, I just defied the direct orders he gave me, to sever all ties with the mockingjay or else.

Fuck you Snow! I think as my eyes meet the closest camera.

Suddenly though, the peacekeepers grab Katniss and Peeta by the arms and drag them into the Justice Building. They won't be letting them say goodbye for that act of rebellion.

"Goodbye!" Katniss shouts as she's pulled out of sight. My dad too send me one last reassuring look before he is ushered in and the doors that are closed behind Effie.

For that act of defiance, the rest of us are going to pay, and apparently now that means an early curfew.

"You can come home with me." I tell Gale, in a small murmur. "I don't think I can be alone tonight."

"Me neither." He whispers, clutching my hand tightly again. He brings my hand up to his mouth for a moment, to leave a soft kiss on my knuckles.

I hope, desperately hope, that both of my friends can come back to me again, though I know better then to test my luck twice.

This year, Katniss and Peeta will be up against the best of the best, the previous Hunger Games victors. This year, they need to step up their game, make allies, fight to survive if they are going to win.

I just hope they're ready for it.


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