FORTY FOUR - Broken Hearts

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Once again, I usually like to keep authors notes to a minimum, but I felt the need to put a warning before this chapter as it may upset some readers. There is mention of miscarriage, and there will still be the mention of it in later chapters. It's not graphic, again, and I do recommend reading this chapter because it is important to the story-- but please only do what makes you feel comfortable.


It's over, the war is won, but we've lost so much in our fight for freedom. Innocent lives perished, thousands slaughtered, killed in the fight for what is right-- I still stand by that, even though it breaks my heart.

I walk down the large halls of Snow's mansion, the rebellion's mansion now that we've won. It's too fancy and gaudy looking, it's grand appeal makes me miss the simple architecture of Twelve. 

I haven't talked to Katniss since we were split up amid all the chaos, so I figure I should pay her a visit. Especially finding out she lost her sister. 

Prim, who had her whole life ahead of her, gone. Blown up after the battle was practically over, and we still aren't sure by who's bombs. What if it was ours? What if the order to launch them was set out by Coin? I didn't like the woman before, now I despise her. 

Guilt gnaws at my insides too-- I had been the one to design those bombs, disguised as packages like in the games. 

That guilt turns to literal nausea, my stomach flips, and I get sick in a potted plant, heaving and leaning against a wall.

The last twenty-four hours has been too much to bare, but I've come to  terms with all that has happened even though pains me. I've made up my mind on what I'll do next, though I know it won't be accepted by some. 

I need to get out, far away from everything. But first, I need to say some goodbyes, but how can I when I can hardly breathe?

I knock on the door that is temporarily Katniss' quarters, and she mumbles a simple "come in."

I push open the heavy oak surface, and am met with an expected sight. 

Katniss looks shattered, she loved Prim so much. Katniss had lost a lot more in this war then her sister too, she has much more reason then I to be broken. 

Tears pool in both our eyes, we do not speak as we absorb each other's pain. We wouldn't be showing this much emotion if we were around others, but Katniss and I have have been friends far too long to care about how we look around each other.

Katniss is the first to break the silence, and asks exactly what I expected. "Where they ours? The bombs..."

I sniff, open my mouth to speak, but no words come out.

"Gale..." Her voice wavers, she stands up from where she was sitting. "Was it the rebels who launched those last bombs?"

My legs threaten to give out from underneath me. I just want to collapse on the floor and stay there forever, become one with the marble tiles and specks dirt. I heave in a shaky breath, finally finding my voice. "I don't know."

Katniss stares at me a moment, choking back a sob, covering her mouth with a cry. We're silent a while longer, I want to reach out and hold her, but I don't have the energy to even try.

She stares at me, then seems to read what's on my mind. "You're not leaving, are you?"

I shuffle my feet, hands in my pockets. "I have to, I have to get away. Away from everything that's ever caused me pain."

Katniss shakes her head sadly at me, her dark grey eyes mirror my own. "You can't just run from pain, trust me I've tried." She reaches out to me, but makes no effort to come closer either. "You can only find someone to help you heal, and you've found your prefect match."

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