TWENTY FOUR - The Family That Never Could Be

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Gale and I have been inseparable ever since my confession, he stuck by my side the entire time I stayed at the Everdeens' to get better. Finally, after a couple days though, and after many snow coats, I'm free to go.

Gale helps me pull my clean shirt over my head, I wince as it grazes my still tender back.

"Do you need more pain medicine?" Gale asks quickly, grabbing my arms to support me as I stand up. "Mrs. Everdeen said you could take–"

I'm fine Gale." I give him a weary smile. "I'm fine now that you're here with me." And I stand on my tiptoes to press a quick peck to his lips.

"Took you long enough." He jokes as I link my arm with his and we make our way out of the house.

"Yeah, well I've never been in love like this before." I can feel his eyes on my face at this and so I turn to him. "I've never felt so willing to do do anything for another person, die even."

"You have to stop being so noble." Gale complains, half heartedly as we continue walking again. "That was my punishment, I should have taken all of those lashes."

I shake my head. "Why do you think they stepped up security here? It's not because they're not protecting us, it's because they are trying to control us." I tell Gale.

"They're always trying to control us, this isn't anything new." He says, his Grey eyes are steely and seem to reflect the winter sky.

"Snow has just made this personal, after he met me in my dad's office, and showed me–" I stop suddenly, not wanting to say the words. I had told Gale all about the meeting I had with Snow, he knows I know he kissed Katniss, and he's already apologized about a hundred times for it, saying he only loves me. I can't get too mad at him, I mean I kissed Noah, but I told Gale about that too. I don't want our newly founded relationship built on secrets.

"After the meeting with Snow, that's when the peacekeepers came in." I start over. "He's trying to control me, he's trying to control you, he's trying to control Katniss. He controls everyone in this entire country. We are at his mercy constantly, and I'm sick of it."

Gale nods in agreement. "We need to start fighting back."

I smile wide, god I love this man. He's willing to fight for what he believes in along side me. His passionate, fiery personality has always been my favourite part about him.

"I couldn't agree more." I grin, pressing another kiss to his soft pink lips.

When I pull away, his hand comes up to hold my chin, tilting my head up again delicately. "I love you, my little nightingale." He breathes, lips finding mine once more.

I almost melt right then and there, at the kiss, the nickname, everything. "I love you too, so much." I am able to mutter as we pull away.

We enter my large house then, still leaning on each other for support. We'll have matching scars from the lashes we received, I pointed this fact out to Gale yesterday, to which he only sighed.

I would take the scars any day though, knowing that they were received from protecting my love. Knowing that we are both still alive. 

I'm shocked by the two unlikely people Gale and I find sitting in the living room together as we enter, my mom and Haymitch Abernathy.

My mom sits perched nervously on the edge of the couch, arms wrapped around herself and her usual cardigan. Haymitch is sprawled out on a chair, looking just as nervous and fidgety. His usual flask of alcohol is replaced by a steaming cup of tea.

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