THREE - A Salute to Our Tributes

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I stop by the bakery quickly before going to Gale's. As the glass door opens, the bell hanging above it rings softly. The warm smell of freshly baked bread instantly hits me, a comforting, homey sent.

Mr. Mellark, whom I saw only hours before, busies himself in his work. Switching out trays in ovens, restocking shelves, rolling out dough as a distraction from what happened today.

"Hello." I say kindly, and he finally no notices my arrival.

"Oh, hello (y/n)." He takes out a tray of bread, and puts a new one in the oven once more. "What can I help you with today?"

"I'd like to buy a loaf of bread and a dozen sugar cookies, please." I tell him, already pulling out the right amount of coins from my little coin purse.

He gives me a slight smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, then gets my order.

I put the money needed on the counter, trying to think of the right words to say. "Don't worry too much about Peeta." I settle with. "He's stronger than you know." I tell him.

His blue eyes are brimmed with tears as he hands me my now wrapped order. "I hope you're right." He whispers.


I knock on the faded red wooden door of the Hawthorne house, after finding it with ease. I would walk Katniss home sometimes after school, and she'd always point it out on the way by.

I can hear the sound of children's giggles, and shuffling behind the wood panel as I wait a moment. Then suddenly the door opens revealing a small, smiling, blonde haired, blue-eyed girl.

"Hello!" She says happily. This must be Gale's little sister.

Oh to be so blissfully ignorant of the world's hellish ways.

"Hello!" I say to her, smiling too, clutching the paper bag of baked goods. "Is Gale home?"

She smiles wider, blue eyes twinkling. "Yes he is!" She then turns around, and shouts. "Gale!"

Said dark haired male arrives a the door in seconds, and picks the girl up, rolling his eyes playfully at her. " Welcome, come on in." He gestures for me to come inside, sending me the most dazzling of smiles.

I nearly faint, but step inside regardless as Gale shuts the door behind me, the little girl in his other arm.

"Here, we can go right to the kitchen. Dinner is ready." He says, and leads me through the small hallway to the modest kitchen.

"So this was the girl you were talking about!" The small girl whispers, rather loudly, to Gale. On our short journey.

"This is my sister Posy." Gale introduces me to the girl finally, setting her down on the creaking wooden floor boards.

Posy clings on to Gale's leg shyly, peaking out at me with those curious blue eyes.

I kneel down, level with her, to look less intimidating maybe. "Hello Posy, I'm (y/n), Gale's friend." I introduce myself to her. Sure, Gale and I aren't officially friends, but I figure after today we are as close as friends get.

She comes out from her hiding spot to stand in front of me, touches my hair, examines my face then turns to Gale again. "She's really pretty!" She whispers, not so quietly.

THE MAN IN THE HANGING TREE | Gale HawthorneWhere stories live. Discover now