Chapter 1 - My goal

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Chapter 1 - My goal

Where is the best place to start? Mhhh, I guess at the introduction or? Well, I'm Wang Yibo, 20 years old and a student. I go to art college and have been studying photography there for two years. Why? Well, I'll get to that later. Because I'm not finished yet.

I have a brother who is four years older than me, and he and I usually fight when we see each other, but when we need to, we stick together. Why do we fight so much? Well, we are just too different. In my eyes, he's nothing but a sweet talker and show-off. Stupid ass! I don't know how many times I've heard the phrase, "I was already able to do that at your age!"

My parents are overprotective weird people. I would even say they are a little crazy. On my first day of school back then, they walked me to school and got down on their knees crying because soon enough I wouldn't need them anymore. And my first day of college, they came there and brought me a big bag of snacks. My dad held me in his arms crying for 10 minutes and loudly demanded that I not forget him and my mom. Just for the information, I live at home! I see them every day!

But further now to my person.

I was said again and again, I am cold, dismissive and socially incapable. Well, I think they just didn't get that I was just not interested in these people.

I have a best friend, her name is Xiao Suri and just like me she is 20 years old and studies photography. We've been friends for four years now. And this is despite the fact that she was looking for new friends every year. Yes, she has always been one of the pretty, outgoing, warm and popular girls. Many wanted to be friends with her, but she always chose her friends carefully. And was neither friendly nor polite in doing so.

At the beginning of each new school year she placed a table in the schoolyard, sat down at it and let other students explain to her why they wanted to be friends with her. And although it was known that she never kept her friends for more than a year, there were always many waiting at her table, and she usually chased them away.

I also wanted to be friends with her, but not because of her, but, well, how shall I say? Because of her big brother. Ahhh, that beautiful angel. I would do anything for him! He's six years older than me and his name is Zhan. And I've loved him since I was 14, when I first saw him picking Suri up from school.

He was standing by his car in this oversized blue sweater and tight black jeans. With the smile of an angel, he waved at her. And when I saw him, I was instantly smitten. But, he never noticed me!

Oh yes, my parents know that I have a crush on Zhan. I told them right away at that time. And they told me that as long as I am happy, they are happy. But now they are worried. After all, I've been in love with Zhan for 6 years and I've never had a conversation with him. They keep telling me to stop this one-sided love.

But honestly? If it were that easy, I wouldn't have been in love with him for six long years. If I could just give up, I would have done it after all. But I can't give up, because my heart loves him so much.

For two years I tried to forget him, but I could not. His angelic face and that sugary sweet smile are burned into my brain and my heart. I absolutely need to have him!

So I went to Suri's table and luckily I knew she was a Boyslove fan. And she's not just a fan! She started a Boyslove fan club at school and even writes her own Boyslove stories and fan fictions with her friends.

I stood at the table with her, leaned forward and said, "I'm only interested in being friends with you, because I hope to get to know your big brother that way. I've been in love with him for two years and I mean it when I say I want him!" Suri clapped her hands, told me that this was the most honest friend request she had ever received, and declared me her new best friend. And the friendship didn't end after just one year!

She just told me everything about and from Zhan. We even thought about many strategies how I can attract his attention. But unfortunately, unfortunately, he went abroad to study and stayed until recently because of his work. All Suri and I could do was write a fan fiction about him and me. At least in that, he and I were a couple.

But recently he came back to Beijing and he found out about the fan fiction. Suri told me, "Zhan was out with friends and they told him about the fan fiction. He read through it all and I thought he was going to be angry. But he was calm and said to me, if you're going to ship me with someone in your fan fiction, I at least want to meet the person!"

I almost fell over when she told me that. Was my dream finally going to come true? Is he going to be my wifey, like in the fan fiction of Suri and me? Mhhh, actually I don't like the term wifey with Zhan. But Suri said it has to be that way with a Boyslove. And since she's seen and read every Boyslove, she must know.

Next weekend, I'm finally going to meet him. I'm so excited that I even called my parents. They told me not to freak out and to stay calm so I don't embarrass myself to him. I should give him time to get to know me and first find out if he is even interested in men.

Suri told me she was very confident. She showed Zhan pictures of me and he is said that he thinks I am very handsome.

It's 9 days until my meeting with Zhan and I'm already so nervous! And the best part is, I get to see him for a whole week. Because I'm going with Suri, Zhan and his best friend. We're going on vacation to the beach and staying together for a whole week in a beautiful beach house. A week with Zhan! Lots of time to get to know each other.

When I told my parents I could spend a whole week with Zhan, they immediately dragged me to the hair salon and several fashion stores. And to a skin care studio, for a facial! My parents think I need a hairstyle and clothes that make me look handsome and sexy, so Zhan can't take his eyes off me. Well? Didn't I tell you they were crazy?

At the barber shop, my father said to the barber, "Give my son a haircut that shows how handsome and masculine he is so he can get his crush around."

The hairdresser then, "So only cut spikes?"

My father responded, "Eyebrow plucking too."

I now have a bathing suit that flatters my body, as the saleswoman said with a grin. And so many new clothes that I can change twice a day in one week. And everything skintight!

And when I already thought I had it made, my brother comes to me and tells me I have to go to the gym with him to train. So that I can build up some muscles. I know my family means well, but isn't that too much? And what if all this is for nothing because he's not into me?

Suri told me that she is confident that Zhan can fall in love with me. She's been saying that for 4 years now! But how does she know? She hardly knows him herself. Besides, he has been abroad for 4 years now, maybe he met someone there?

The closer the week gets, the more anxious I become. And the more often my head tells me that I should keep my hopes low in order not to be disappointed too much later.

I've been waiting four years now to finally see him again and get to know him. Actually six years, but it had been four years since I had last seen him. I was waiting to finally be able to talk to him. And now that it's close enough to reach, I'm getting scared. But, I will not let this fear defeat me! I will do my best!

Because I have a goal in mind! The goal to make Zhan my boyfriend. And I will not give up until I reach my goal, or Zhan makes it clear to me that I have no chance. Even if I'm very afraid of being rejected by him, I can't give up before I've at least tried.

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