Switching Roles, Chapter 15.

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15. switching roles

POV Zhan

A/N: With a new cover for the book, it continues. Today from the POV of Zhan, so we learn a little more about his love for Yibo (roughly glanced at), and, see in what way he wants to take action on his little sister. I hope the chapter isn't too boring for you guys.

Switching Roles, Chapter 15.

It all started over a year ago with a message from a good friend. He wrote me a link and to it: "Check out this fan fiction. You are one of the two main male characters in it!"

I immediately clicked on the link, read through the first two chapters and just thought, damn, that's really me! And I was like, who the hell is this Yibo guy? And, why is my sister using him and me for her fan fiction?

Of course, I knew for a long time that my sister has a best friend, but since everyone in my family always called him BoBo, I just didn't figure out that he was Yibo. But I found out very quickly.

I called my mom and we were talking about this and that and then I asked her what Suri was doing. My mom said, "Oh she's out with our BoBo. He is really great. Your dad and I are very fond of him. Handsome, talented, athletic, very polite and also very smart."

It sounded like she was advertising for him. "Um mom? What's his real name anyway? It's hardly going to be BoBo."

"Mhhh, don't you know? His name is Wang Yibo. He and your sister even go to college together and study the same thing."

"Uh-huh, interesting. And between him and Suri, it's just friendship?"

"They are best friends. Yibo doesn't like girls you know? He's gay, just like you." My parents knew for a long time, since I told them when I was 17 years old. But Suri didn't know. My parents always wanted to leave it up to me to tell her myself. And until that day, I didn't and I know my parents didn't told.

"And what's he like? I mean, you said he's very handsome. Does he date a lot?"

"Haha, no. He's waiting for the one he's been in love with since he was 14. And guess who he's in love with!"

"With me?"

"Yes. Actually, I shouldn't tell you. But, I advise you, you should definitely meet him. Your dad and I are absolutely smitten with him. And if you bring anyone home, I hope it's him. Because he's a dream of a son-in-law."

If my parents are excited about him, then he definitely had to be impressive, I knew that much. Because there are no more critical people than my parents.

Since I had a free week ahead of me, I decided to fly to Beijing and take a closer look at this Wang Yibo. And I saw him the very same day after I arrived. And it was a -wow- moment when I saw this handsome young man.

At that moment, when I could see him from a hiding place across the street, I was absolutely fascinated by his appearance. And then I saw him helping an elderly couple, carrying their heavy shopping bags. He even missed his bus to do it. But instead of getting angry, he smiled slightly as he then sat in the bus stop waiting for the next bus.

I kept an eye on him for a week. I dressed up, sometimes standing behind him, listening to him and Suri talk. And they talked about me! Yibo talked about me so full of love and warmth that I wanted to go to him and take him in my arms.

When I was back in the States, I couldn't get him out of my mind. And whenever I thought about him, his appearance and his words, I felt this tingling in my stomach, my heart was pounding.

I read all the chapters of the fan fiction so far in one week. I thought, maybe I can forget him again, because a relationship with such a long distance, it doesn't work.

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