23. our own apartment

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Briefly something in my own thing. This story is now slowly but surely heading towards the end. As always, I would like to give you a lot more chapters, but as soon as all in all a suitable story has emerged, I want to bring the book to a worthy end. It's hard for me to come up with anything else when the story is already told. Why drag out a book unnecessarily just to create more chapters? Mhhh, why am I writing this? Well, I received a message from a reader complaining that my books are usually "too short". To that person I would like to say, look at all the great series, most of which have just 16 episodes telling a great story from beginning to end. So why do I need to come up with more when the story has been told all the way to the end? I wouldn't feel comfortable writing quite a few chapters as a filler just to add more chapters to the story. And a story from the first person perspective, is rarely described in great detail. Especially if it is a RomCom. Therefore, dear reader and you my dear loyal readers, do not blame me if a book does not have 50 chapters or more. Instead I have more space in my brain to write you a new story. I'm done, thank you for your attention. And on it goes with the book and a jump forward.

23. our own apartment 

A lot has happened in the past two years. Back then, when we came back from vacation, Zhan and I found out from our parents that they wanted to rent an apartment for us so that we could have more space for privacy. Of course, Zhan and I were very happy about that and had planned to move in together anyway. My grandma and grandpa decided that we should get married in a year.

Even though Zhan and I agreed to this, he and I had a quiet talk about a possible marriage a few days later. We both felt that a year was too little time. Besides, I was also of the opinion that I don't want to get married until I finish my studies and find a job where I earn my own money. Zhan also agreed with me.

So we had many discussions with my grandparents about this until they finally gave in and agreed to at least wait until Zhan and I have been a couple for about 2-3 years and we are also absolutely sure.

Instead of marriage, they then financed us to get our own apartment. Because, the apartment our parents rented for us was unbearable. Well, the environment. The apartment itself was nice and close to the university, which was very practical. But most of the tenants in the building were also students who loved to party. And so we rarely had a quiet evening or a relaxing weekend.

My grandparents then sent us to look for an apartment that we liked and where there were quiet neighbors and then bought the apartment for us. It has three rooms, is well situated between the university and my parents' house, so that I can reach both easily, and has good shopping facilities in the surrounding area.

All in all, it was great and we immediately felt really comfortable there. Only, after a few months, when Zhan really took off at his modeling agency, I was home alone most of the time. Zhan's plan to never be away from me for more than 2 or 3 days backfired. Sometimes he was gone for a week, sometimes 3 or 4 weeks. Depending on how many appointments the agency made and where. On top of that, there were his assignments as a photographer.

Of course, I was also busy with my studies. I also started working part-time for a photographer. Nevertheless, I missed Zhan very much when I sat alone at home evening after evening. Because Suri had also left for her 6 month stay abroad, because of her internship.

Zhan and I enjoyed the time we had together even more, but that was by far not enough, if you are in love and actually want to spend a lot of time with your boyfriend.

The many absences of Zhan led more and more to the fact that I felt lonely in our relationship and had more and more often bad mood. We started to argue a lot and often afterwards we didn't even know what had caused this argument in the first place.

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