12. Winning Zhan's Attention

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We spent a whole hour discussing what we wanted to do today. Suri and I were immediately in favor of staying here and going to the beach. After all, we came here especially for that. Besides, we read that a bad weather front is to be expected in the next few days. Therefore, we should still take advantage of the weather while it is good.

Emma, however, preferred that we all sit in the car in the heat and see the area. She even said that she insisted that we drive around. We should get to know a little bit of the culture here. She's so stupid, it couldn't be worse. Does she think we are in another country? Ah I would like to scream at her to shut up, only if she opens her mouth already.

Zhan thought we could go back to the city and see the sights. Sure, my arch-enemy is probably already waiting for me with her friends, so they can stare me into the ground. And who knows what they'll do to our princess Emma after she insulted the poor woman at the checkout in the supermarket.

Well, at least once Emma agreed with us and was against us going into town. And that although I told her with a grin: "You must remember, other countries, other customs. Wouldn't it be nice if you got to know the customs of this country?" Of course, I wasn't serious, but Emma nodded.

But then she said, "Well, we can still do that tomorrow when we go shopping again." I immediately had to swallow. Back to that supermarket? Then they'll surely be waiting for us with pitchforks and torches. Or else they'll stand here in front of the house at night and sing demonic songs to summon some evil spirits to haunt us.

Emma's next suggestion was that we all go to the ice cream parlor where she and Zhan were yesterday. Suri immediately got grumpy again and said, "Forget it, you guys already went there yesterday. I'll pass on that."

"What are we going to do then? Each do our own thing?" Emma asked.

"Sure, Yibo will take Zhan's car and drive me somewhere and then we'll come back hours later, say we're tired and exhausted, clear your suitcase out of my room and kick you guys out of the house so we can talk in peace." Replied Suri.

"Suri, we said the subject was over. So don't start it again now OK?" I reminded her.

Finally, Zhan had thought it over and agreed with Suri and me. So we went outside, our princess in a bikini you can barely see, Zhan a white shirt and black bathing trunks, Suri a bathing suit and me dressed similarly to Zhan.

When we were close to the water, Emma threw her bath towel aside and ran like crazy, shouting, "ZhanZhan Ge, look how fast I can swim in the water. She took a running jump into the water and attempted a lope. She dived headfirst and suddenly her legs were hanging in the air wriggling and she didn't reappear for at least half a minute. Her legs were just wriggling wildly back and forth. And all of a sudden she comes up and she's wailing, "My head was stuck in the sand, I couldn't get up." And she was screaming and crying. While Suri and I collapsed on the sand from laughing so hard.

With that, Emma's bath time was over. She held her head, whining. And of course, she had now found another way to get Zhan's full attention.

She sat next to Zhan, crying, and he held a cooling pad to her head, which he had fetched especially for her from the house. Suri was immediately back to 180 with her anger.

I lay down in the sand a bit away from this whining princess, because her weeping is really annoying, and Suri lay down next to me. We watched Zhan and Emma very closely. Again and again Suri tried to attract his attention. But whenever he looked briefly at us, Emma immediately started whining louder.

Finally Suri said, "Okay, that's enough. Plan B is going to have to happen!"

"What's your plan B?" I asked her.

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